chapter xvi.

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His bike comes to a smooth stop, seeing Kie and Pope sitting outside the chateau

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His bike comes to a smooth stop, seeing Kie and Pope sitting outside the chateau. The Twinkie was nowhere to be seen, indicating that John B wasn't home yet.

JJ gets off before helping me down and we walk over to the two pogues.

I hand him his two tequila bottles and he uses his teeth to unscrew one immediately, taking a small chug.

"Hey, Julie." Pope chuckles lightly.

"Hi, Pope." I rest a hand on his back as I sit besides him.

"Hey, Jay." Kiara bats her eyelashes at the blond, forcing her voice to appear higher. He sits besides her with a smile.

"Hey, Jay." I mock her quietly, distorting my voice to sound like hers.

JJ and Pope laugh at me but Kiara's face turns into a scowl.

"Huh? Who said that?" I tilt my head up to the sky, looking around and acting clueless.

My childish actions cause Pope and JJ to laugh harder, and seeing the mad look on Kie's face made me laugh as well.

I place my peach vodka on the floor besides me, seeing the Twinkie roll into the driveway.

"John B!" JJ hollers out, holding his alcohol bottle in the air.

John B hopped out of the Twinkie, slamming the van door shut and storming up to us. I've never seen the boy looked so pissed and hurt at the same time. If looks could kill, we'd all be six feet under.

Without saying a word, John B rushes into his home. "John B?" I call after him, immediately getting up and following him inside.

The others get the hint as well, and we all pile inside the chateau, watching the tall brunet literally tear up the place.

"You all right man? What's up?" Pope asks the hurried boy, seeing as he began pulling everything out of every drawer.

"What are you looking for?" Kie asks.

"Bro, what's going on, man?" JJ watches as John B pulls out the gun from under a couch cushion, the one that JJ previously stole.

"John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ takes a step closer to the upset boy, but he only turns around in rage, aggressively pushing JJ onto the couch.

"John B, chill!" I shout out.

John B shoved past me and Kiara, heading straight for the door.

"What are you, JJ now?" Pope yells out at the angry boy.

With one swift movement, John B spun around and shoves Pope into the wall.

"Shit, are you okay?" Kiara helps the boy up, before the four of us follow John B outside.

"John B, what the hell are you doing?" I shout out, watching the brunet head for JJ's motorcycle.

John B stopped in his tracks and his eyes drifted to me. He almost looked manic. He takes a few steps closer to me, staring deep into my eyes.

UNHOOKED ; jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now