chapter vi.

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The car comes to a slow stop in front of my ginormous house

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The car comes to a slow stop in front of my ginormous house.

"Have fun, Ms Country Club." Barry chuckles.

"I will, thank you Barry. Text me, okay?" I smile and get out of his car, walking up to the front door.

The door opens right before I even touch it.

"Honey, where have you been?" My mom looks at me worriedly.

"I spent the night at Barry's." I say, walking past her.

"Barry?" I hear the hesitation in her voice before she speaks up again. "Is he doing good?"

"Yeah." You could tell I was smiling by the way my voice sounded.

"Well." Mrs. Thornton sighs. "C'mon dear, I have your dress upstairs."

I follow her up the stairs excitedly, my eyes lighting up as I enter my room.

"Oh my god, mom, it's gorgeous." I run my hands along the material. It was a thin-strapped, silky, white dress that stopped about mid-thigh. A flower crown and a pair of beige heels sat besides it.

"We have a limo with the Cameron's coming to pick us up at 5, so I'd suggest you start getting ready now. And by that, I mean start off with a shower. You reek of weed." My mom chuckles before exiting my room.

I pinch my shirt and pull it up to my nose to sniff it, recoiling in disgust at the very, very strong smell of weed. Ick.

I quickly undress and run myself a very long bath.

For the first time in forever, my natural waves finally sat just right. The bright white of my dress accompanied my tan skin hand in hand. The purple and pink flowers on my crown brought out the light blush in my cheeks. I strapped the heels onto my feet and twirled around, my eyes locking with my own as I watched myself in the mirror.

I looked pretty. For once in my life, I didn't just feel pretty. I actually was pretty.

"Honey, the limo's here!" I hear my father shout from downstairs. I quickly walk out my room, my eyes meeting my brothers as he simultaneously walked out of his.

"You clean up decently." Topper shrugs.

"You don't." I stick out my tongue teasingly at him before carefully walking down the stairs.

I've probably worn heels like, once in my life before. So let's just say I'm not necessarily a pro.

The limousine ride was fairly awkward. Me and Sarah sat together in silence, across from Rafe and Topper. Our parents on the other hand were nosily chatting, keeping the atmosphere from being filled with tension.

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