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"Damn, Deva, she is fire!" I frown at Harsh, my best buddy's comment. "Be quiet, will you?" I shush him, seizing a sip of my coffee quietly. We are inside the canteen at the moment and almost every one of my colleagues was trying to get the attention of this new woman, Iniya, who has joined our company recently.

And as Harsh mentioned so, she was stunning. "If you don't want her, then stay here, I am going to shoot my shot!" Harsh scowls at me, ruffles his hair, and frees his top two shirt buttons as he funnily gets up and turns around.

Iniya was perched, two tables away from us, and when Harsh went near her, he shooed away the other male and female colleagues. He then whispered something in her ear and she smiled gracefully as she stood up with him.

I smiled internally, sensing the disaster that was soon going to dawn on him. The smile she has on hides behind the words 'Want to know how sharp my high heels are?'

Harsh throws me a smirk as he walks off with her out the canteen while I just lend him a proud look, concealing the laughter that was knocking at my lips.

The rest of the colleagues were gossiping among themselves, seeing how easily Harsh gained her attention. "Why is he like this!" Lalitha, the girl who is crazy over Harsh ever since the last five months questions with a pathetic look.

"Well, that's how he is," I shrug, taking another sip of my coffee. "Don't you try to justify his action by this 'that's how he is'. It's disgusting how he can go for any girl just after looking at their face..." I raise my eyebrows at her.

"I'm not justifying his actions, Lali. And why do you still care about what he does? Why do you want him even when his traits sicken you?" She stares into my eyes and they get welled up instantly.

"You know everything, right? Then why do you keep taking his side? Initially, he was the one who took immense interest in me when I joined this company five months ago! He did everything for me and even gave this ring, saying he would love me to be his soulmate, and suddenly, he stops speaking to me and starts flirting with everyone he finds attractive!" I place the coffee mug on the table, and clutch her hand, attempting to console her.

I know Harsh was the one at fault. But he is my best friend since our college and I knew that he never takes any relationship seriously at all. He sees a girl, speaks to her, and simultaneously, will mess with another one. I tried talking him out of it but he had told me that, it was fun and I should not care about it. And though we are buddies, it's his life after all. I can't push him to do something just cause we are friends...

Moreover, our friendship is quite firm and I never find his unpleasant attribute as a factor that would disrupt our bond. Thus, I let him be.

"Firstly, calm down...and try to forget him, Lali. He is not the right one for you," she rubs away her tears and sits upright on the chair. "I'm trying but it's hard while he is roaming in the same place as me." I nod my head, understanding her plight.

"Still, I will have to find a way to ignore him and vanish him from my mind, from the root!" She sighs and gazes at me again. "So...what do you think about Meena? Did you feel anything for her yet?" Ah, here we go. Meena is Lali's friend with whom I came to have a few interactions during the parties Lali would conduct for silly reasons in her home, or in a club.

"My feelings aren't interested in feeling for her." I adduce, shaking my head, dismissively. I had never dated anyone, and perhaps, it's the cause of the culture and tradition I was brought up with. The idea of dating doesn't intrigue me, but that doesn't mean that I don't check out girls or have a crush on the ones I find appealing. I couldn't possibly be a saint, after all.

Lali chuckles, then attests with a giddy tone. "You know, my birthday is on next month, right on this same day, and I'm going to conduct a huge party at my home! You are the first one to get the honor of being invited Deva," I shake my head at her with a smile.

"No wonder the girl is crazy over you, look at how handsome you are...uff!" I couldn't help laughing throatily at her open admiration.

A few minutes later, we got back to our work and Harsh whose spot was opposite to mine, sat on his chair with difficulty. Did Iniya hit his balls or what?

I tilt my head to look at him and query through inaudible means, "How did it go?" He offers me a painful gaze before pointing toward his ankle. "Heels" he mutters in the same way as me and pities himself as he dons on an agonizing expression.

I couldn't help chuckling and laughing straight at his face. I knew this would happen just by the reaction on Iniya's face.


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