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Stretching my hands, I let the sunlight be spilled onto my body. I felt peaceful and genuinely delighted from the bottom of my heart. And it only increased as I gazed at the beautiful kolam drawn on the ground in front of Thamarai's home.

I smile involuntarily, thinking about her. Everything that had happened yesterday, between me and Thamarai had rendered me feeling like a overjoyed kid. I just am too happy that she's mine now.

I couldn't care less about anything at the moment except to see her, love her, and tease her till I'm satisfied.

"Seri ma!" (Okay ma) Thamarai's shout pulls me back to reality and I fazedly look at my Thamara, wrapped in a blue-white uniform churidar walking towards my home with a bowl in her hand.

When she gazes at me, she frowns in a displeased manner. Huh? What did I do? "Mama, don't be too obvious!" She whispers as she saunters past me.

Excited at her words, I swiftly follow behind her. "Why not?" I tease her as I throw my hand around her shoulder. She forcefully pushes me away with a warning look and runs into the kitchen.

I sigh, staring at her form. I know there are a lot of barriers that have to be removed for me to have free access to my Thamarai but when I glimpse at her, I forget about every one of them!

Well, Iniya isn't a problem as I'm positive that she would act maturely when I cut ties with her. But the same couldn't be said about my family!

Which is why, I'm quite seriously pondering upon the idea of eloping away with Thamarai! If not, there's no other plausible way in which I could convince our family members and marry Thamara. In case If I have realized my feelings before her engagement...I might have had a chance to talk them out of the marriage with Velu. However, now that even her marriage date has been fixed, we are practically doomed...

"Ahem," I again snap out of my thoughts as Thamara comes out of the kitchen with a sugar-filled bowl. I give her a small smile which she mirrors back mildly.

A while later, I refresh and exit the restroom to dress up. Grabbing black pants and a sandal t-shirt from the closet, I wear the same and slip out of my room to have breakfast.

Ruffling my wet hair, I plop on one of the dining chairs next to my father. As moments passed by, we silently had the food. Mom enquired about Iniya's mother and I replied that I have no update yet. Neither Harsh nor Iniya attended to my call when I contacted them the last night, hence I'm oblivion to her mother's condition.

After the meal, as I walk outside, all my cousins were already off to their respective institutions. "Be safe Thamara!" Aunt yells towards her daughter who hurriedly skips the stairs and runs off.

As soon as aunt disappears inside, I follow behind Thamara. The way out of our Village is quite narrow and the path is accompanied by tall trees and bushes on its sides. Thamara hastily strolls through the ground, clutching the strap of the backpack tightly while I nonchalantly stalk her.

 Thamara hastily strolls through the ground, clutching the strap of the backpack tightly while I nonchalantly stalk her

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Thamara pauses and turns her head to me as she detects my presence. "Deva mama! What are you doing here!?" She amuses, surprise evident in her tone.

"Just following you," I stuff my hands inside the pant pocket and shrug casually. "Go back to the home mama!" She commands and I quirk my eyebrows coldly. "Who are you ordering around, huh? I'm six years older than you so you ought to respect me," She looks at me, dumbfounded.

"Mama...what If someone catches us? It's going to be scandalous! Please leave," well...that actually turned on a light bulb in my head. I meant an idea!

"That's brilliant Thamara! If this becomes controversial, then it will definitely lead to your marriage being halted," I flash her a smile. "You want me to lose my dignity in order to stop this marriage!? Not happening, mama!" She wrathfully blurts out and walks forward.

"Thamara...come on, we have to stop this marriage somehow," I admit with a defeated sigh which has her rooted to her place. Cautiously, I advance toward her and look down at her confused countenance.

"How about you talk to Velu and let him know that you aren't interested in this marriage? Besides...that guy seems kind of suspicious to me. He might have been coerced into this marriage by his parents..." Her eyes glide upwards and stares into mine.

Then she blossoms a smile.

"I will do that mama," she says with a nod and strives to move past me but I catch her wrist. "What now? I need to attend college!" She hisses.

"Take a day off Thamara, I will be only staying for a mere two days..." I pursue, wanting to spend my time with her. "No mama...I can't," she shakes her head.

"Please.." I pout, which does the instant magic of bringing sympathy to Thamara's heart as her expression spontaneously changes into a chaotic one.

"Fine! But this is the first-ever time I'm bunking my college," she whines, unsettled.

"I'm touched Thamara," I place my hand on my chest, dramatically.

"Err..." She makes a repelling face at my action.

Dismissing it, I wrap a hand around her shoulder and pull her deep inside the bushes. "Mama...people will easily catch us If we sit here," she complains as I drop onto a tree's base. "Who is going to enter into these bushes Thamara? Stop being paranoid," I tug her hand which renders her perch herself in between my splayed legs.

"Mama, I will kill you If we get caught," she says in a pathetic tone while I discard her backpack.

As soon as I did so, I drag her shoulders and let the lotus be embraced by me.


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