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That night, I slept on the couch, in order to provide privacy to Iniya. But saying that I slept would be an utter lie. I couldn't. I was checking my phone oftentimes, awaiting a call or message from Thamarai even though I know she wouldn't contact me considering how she deliberately disconnected the call when I initially tried to ring her.

Why was I acting like this? I had speculated in the middle of the night and I couldn't serve a reasonable response to my consciousness.

I have never had any romantic feelings towards her and even now, I'm definite I don't. But I liked looking at her exquisite beauty and teasing her. I love her anger-filled retorts and those cute glares she would send my way...

I concluded that it was because she means something more to me than my other cousins and having her despise me hurt quite profoundly.

Well, it's what it is, right!?

On the following day, Iniya was clinging onto me as usual during the cafeteria time. "Baby, you look dull, any specific reason?" I shake my head at her. "Just missing my family," she goes 'aw' before holding me tighter.

"You are a rare one Deva. I have scarcely seen anyone here missing their family. This makes me wonder how loving your family is and I really want to see them at least once!" She utters enthusiastically.

"So...can you please tag me along the next time you visit your hometown? I heard from Harsh that your Village is really beautiful and has so many gorgeous people too," I thoughtfully look at her before imagining the disaster that might break in my home If I ever bring her to my hometown.

"Please..please...consider it," she begs and pouts cutely. "Fine, but you have to wait for the right time. I can't just take you there all of a sudden," she nods excitedly, pleased by my approval.

"Let's go to the beach today okay?" She asks and I nod in agreement. As the interval was over, we got back to work again. My eyes slips to my phone in wish of seeing a call from Thamarai but no such thing happened.

Sighing in frustration, I contacted my parents and spoke to them to gain some peace. They were affectionate as always but the decrease of happiness in their tone was obvious. They also adduced about how my aunties, uncles, and cousins were disappointed in me and disconnected the call after checking about my whereabouts and informing me to be obedient with the girl I'm dating.

Obedient as in, don't behave or touch her inappropriately.

Well, I'm relieved at their improvement in accepting Iniya...

At the end of the office hours, as I was leaving the parking lot, I see Lali and Harsh near his car, fighting orally as usual. I don't find why Lali is so stubborn to leave him even after his obvious disinterest and lack of empathy towards her. Love really does make people do some weird things sometimes.

"Lali!" She angrily walks past me, ignoring my call, and gets into her car.

"He has a fabulous car, doesn't he?" Iniya stops her scooter next to me and ogles Harsh's car. I offer her an indifferent look. "You are obsessed with cars it seems," I respond flatly.

"I'm with everything that's expensive," I narrow my eyes at her. "Then I wonder why you were dying to date me? It's crystal clear that I'm not your type," I say as a matter of fact. I always knew that she is sort of a materialistic person but apart from that, she came off as a good person by heart. Hence why I decided to give her a chance. Well, her beauty was one of the reasons too! It attracted to me her first.

"You are expensive too. In the aspect of personality. And I would like to be the first one to have you all to myself," she winks suggestively at the end. I chuckle at her statement before we both start to drive off to the beach.

We spend quite a time playing at the shore and had icecreams and took selfies together. She was fun to be with.

By late 6 pm, we decided to part ways and went to our respective places. I was not very surprised to find Harsh inside my apartment as I got in with the key. He has one spare key to my apartment.

"Enjoyed your date?" I shrug at him before replying.

"Was good," he chuckles.

"Man, you are relishing your life...I'm so jealous of you." He blurts out in his intoxicated tone while gulping down a chunk of whiskey.

"I don't know but I'm not satisfied...It feels incomplete," I utter as I shut the door behind me and enter my room.

"Don't tell me it's about my Thamarai!" He screams and I roll my eyes before proceeding with refreshing.

A few minutes later, I exit the room with my casuals and settle alongside the drunkard. "You are drinking too much these days," I murmur while analyzing the mess he had made around the couch with half-eaten chickens, snacks, and whiskey bottles.

"All thanks to Lali. That bitch isn't allowing me to breathe in peace," he tilts his head back on the couch and sighs.

"She isn't a bitch. But you are for leading her on and betraying her," he laughs boisterously as he looks at me.

"You are more worse than me though. You had lead on almost four girls while knowing well you wouldn't even consider dating them," his words hit me harshly as I rewind about my cousins. I felt guilt swirling inside my chest at the thought of their state after I had rejected them. Especially Maithili. She would be undergoing the same emotional turmoil as Lali, wouldn't she?

"Tell me a way to get rid of Lali!" He exclaims in irritation. "Talk to her gently and make her understand," he laughs again. "She will think that I'm interested in her again If I did as you said so." I click my tongue at her words.

"Blame me for I have wasted my time on such a leach!" He amuses and falls to the floor, laying there with his eyes shut.

"She's a sweet girl," I comment, attempting to make him understand about her love. "Fuck sweet. She ain't great in bed," I kick at his leg with an annoyed hiss and stand on my foot.

"Argh!" He groans.

"Honestly Harsh, Lali should be grateful that you left her," I amuse as I wander towards the kitchen.


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