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After lunch, I went to the Bharatnatyam school and returned in the late evening after a long period of practicing. I have been learning the classical dance for two months and it's truly refreshing to my mind and soul.

Running a bath, I wear a blue-yellow half saree and cover my head with a towel. And as I step into the lounge, the addictive smell of tea invades my nostrils. "Mom! Tea!" I call out and re-enter my room to fetch the A-4 size papers and other stationery items to do my assignment.

Once I settle on the floor of the lounge with the essentials spread out on the table, mom brings me tea. "Athai!" comes the voice of Deva mama again.

"What have you put in the tea today? I was just walking by and the aroma dragged me in here!" He speaks appreciatively while sauntering inside.

"I will bring you one cup," my mother says warmly as she retreats to the kitchen. "What are you writing? A love letter?" Deva mama hops on the couch behind me and peeks over the paper.

"How come you are always thinking about love!?" I scowl at him and continue to do my work.

"Why are you always so cranky Thamara!? I might enjoy it but can't say the same about your future spouse," he comments which makes me immensely furious.

"You don't have to worry about it mama." I retort, holding my pen tight as I start to write. "Pressure cooker" He smacks the back of my head and the towel I've tied up loosens at his action.

"Mama!" I yell at him and just then my mom exits the kitchen with the tea. "Thamara, why are you shouting at him? Where are your manners!?" She shouts angrily.

"It's okay athai. I'm used to it," Deva mama speaks like a poor person and I slowly turn my head to him, glaring at him intensely.

Dismissing me, he receives the cardamom blended tea and begins to sip on it with a pleasure-filled face. I grimace at him but inwardly smile at his expression.

Subsequently, as I again commence to write, mom moves out of the house with her tea to have her usual gossip hour with other aunties. Dad would arrive at home at early night. He owns a rice mill.

"Mama!" I hiss as he disturbs me by playing with the golden jimikki dangling from my ear. "Can't you keep your hands to yourself!" He chuckles throatily before responding.

"No, I can't when you are near me," he mutters so casually and again starts to mess with my Jimikkis.

Fed up with advising him, I just let him do whatever he wants and focus on my assignment. Getting me off-guard, his fingers suddenly graze the side of my neck which provokes a ticklish feeling inside my stomach.

However, I prevent myself from being carried away by the feeling and swat his hand off me. "What are you trying to do mama?" I ask in a disgusted manner which I actually do feel because of his insensitive action. I may love him dearly but it's still wrong to have him touch me when he is not the person meant for me.

"There was a mosquito trying to feed on your blood. I was shooing it away okay! Not obviously making a chance to touch you," he retorts nonchalantly and leans against the couch as he sips on the tea. He looked genuine and so I decided to forgive him.

"...what If I do touch you deliberately?" He trails off and I roll my eyes, unsurprised by his query. "I will smash your balls in that case. That's the best private defense any girl should be aware of," I state in a singsong way which has him giving me a dubious look before he straightens himself and closes his man-spread legs.

I chuckle at his reaction.

"Besides that mama, I've told you this a million times that you shouldn't touch me to your liking. I belong to another man," I blurt out, wanting him to stay far away from me as possible even though I know he most probably wouldn't comply.

"Another man, my foot! You aren't married yet Thamara," I shriek at his resentful tone and stare at his wrath-filled form with perplexion.

Abruptly, he slams the empty glass on the table quite harshly and leaves, his body stiffened yet tensed with his fist tightly clenched.

What is wrong with him? I blink my eyes in oblivion but then again, none can predict his mood and actions, hence I let him be without doing much research.

Later at night I completed my assignment and stretched my hands to relieve the exhaustion. Then I wrapped up the essentials and had dinner along with my parents.

Humming to myself, I stepped upstairs to my room in order to fall into slumber but decided to ring my future husband before doing the same.

Grabbing the phone from my room, I open the balcony door and saunter to the space while contacting Mr.Velu.

Amidst the chilling breeze, I latch the phone to my ear and silently wait for him to attend. As expected, he didn't pick up and I wasn't amazed either.

Sighing, I bring the phone to my face level and turn it off. "Who are you calling at this late night?" startled, I look up and found my Deva mama standing at the terrace of his home.

"My future husband," I tell him shyly, and ironically, it renders a stern expression to cross his countenance. "Anyways, good night mama...I don't want someone to listen in on my conversation with him" I purposely smile in a timid way to infuriate him and it really does the magic.

He has this exasperated look and wondering why he has on that said reaction, I walk back to my room.

Why would he become angry If I talk to my future spouse? Well, he doesn't speak to me, that's another thing to worry about but let me set it aside for now. I'm currently confused by Deva mama's attitude.

He acts strange...as If he is in love with me and having me talk to someone else bothers him. Though I know it's an impossible thought, I couldn't figure out any other possible explanations for his demeanor...

Yawning, I close the balcony door and decided to have a sweet sleep rather than worrying about my life issues.


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