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"Safe and fit!" I send a thumbs up to my Thamara before placing the mobile back on the desk, near to the computer. It's been 2 hours since Thamara had boarded the train and as I had asked her so, without failure, she updated me about her state every once per thirty minutes.

She would arrive in Chennai at dusk and my office hours would be terminating around the same time. Hence I needn't worry about requesting my boss for another earlier departure. He is already dumping all the work on me for I've bunked the office for often days recently.

Sighing out softly, I divert my attention back to the computer. The day is certainly a calm one. Harsh is minding his own business intently while Lali also seems busy and nervous with her respective work. And that lady, Iniya, hadn't attended the office. I actually was awaiting her presence to warn her not to interfere in my life anymore. But the girl hadn't shown up even after a prolonged time and I settled with the thought of talking to her the next day.

Moments later, during the cafeteria break, concerned that Lali would cling to me, I pretended to not notice her and luckily, she was caught up and engaged in a serious conversation with Harsh throughout the break. It isn't hard to make out what they were speaking of. It's apparent that Harsh now wants her back while Lali acts stubborn.

Good. She shouldn't accept him for all the things he had done to her!

Anyways, it's their life and their decisions. I'm no one to intervene. Just then, my phone again pings with a message from Thamara, reporting her safe and fit state. I smile at her text and leave the cafeteria after having the coffee.

Forthwith, the day passes swiftly and I hastily head out to the parking lot to take off on my bike to the railway station. I might get there quite delayed If I don't start now. Which is why, I acted oblivion to Lali's calling and shuffled out of the campus at a high speed.

The traffic in Chennai was extreme and I had to call Thamara halfway through and inform about the same. She said she would wait and asked me not to rush and to drive cautiously and safely.

Even so, I couldn't wait to meet her and I somehow managed to squeeze past the traffic and reach the railway station a bit earlier than I have previously estimated.

Upon reaching the destination, I park my bike and look for Thamara, impatiently. The bustling environment had my head buzz with irritation and I recklessly crossed the hundreds of people to obtain the waiting area.

My eyes scan the place in a swift motion and I watch out for Thamara while wandering the crowded zone like a madman. Where is she!? During my plight, my phone rings and I fish it out of my pocket. It is Thamara.

"Where are you?" I ask, apprehensively. "Right behind you," As I quickly swirl, Thamara stands before my eyes, safe and well...and with a gentle smile lingering on her lips.

Mirroring her action, I engulf her in a hug, feeling light-hearted at her presence. She goes stiffened and taps on my shoulder. "Everyone's seeing mama!" She whispers agitatedly and I loosen the embrace and smile assuringly at her before getting hold of her luggage.

With my free hand, I clutch her own and tug her along with me. The sensations I've been experiencing since I saw her face were ineffable. I've never been this merrier.

On the way to the apartment, we both remain silent. And the traffic that stirred vexation in me once, now appeared like a paradise. One where my Thamara sits behind me closely and has her hands resting over my shoulder. Her grip becomes tighter whenever we come across a large truck and at other times, she quietly scrutinizes the passing view of the gigantic buildings...

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