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Weeks have passed, dropping us onto the night before our marriage. Our closely packed houses have been decorated with aesthetically pleasing plastic as well as original blossoms...The LED lights are twinkling in varied colors around our dwellings and the marriage music is banging out from the speaker in high volume, yet failing to outrun the happy talks of our relatives.

Heeding footsteps, I dart my eyes from the half-moon and look at Deva mama who is excitedly running to me with our cousin brother's kid following him behind. He seem vexed with Deva mama.

"Cho...co...lath waaa!!" The cute bundle of joy sits on the floor and begins to cry wildly while Deva mama is further elevating his wailing by teasing him with the chocolate. I lean back on the parapet of the terrace, watching my mama questionably. Is he seriously the man who is turning 27 soon?

"Waaa..." Vikram's cries exceed the limit when Deva mama starts to peel the cover off from the dairy milk. Feeling pity for my Vikram, I shuffle forward and on the way, I snatch the chocolate from my Deva mama before kneeling down in front of Vikram.

"Thamara!" I tune out his frustrated call and focus my eyes on Vikram.

"Here..." I hand the chocolate to the little guy who cautiously gets the chocolate from me and rubs the tears from his cheeks using the back of his hand. His lips stretch in a smile as he regards the chocolate with so much love, sparkling within his eyes.

"Saapdu kanna," (Eat sweetheart), I urge him with a smile and he gives me an adorable look before bringing the chocolate up to his mouth. But then he pauses and stares at me.

I offer him a doubtful gaze, skeptical due to his reluctance. Surprising me, he suddenly brings the chocolate to my mouth. "Inthaa, (here)" My heart becomes content at his lovable attitude and I bite a small piece off the chocolate.

Vikram grins widely and I can't help but press a kiss against his chubby cheeks. He becomes shy at my action and closes his eyes using his tiny hands. I laugh heartily at his gesture and place another kiss on his left cheek. Overwhelmed with shyness, he turns around and runs away while giggling loudly.

His giggles provoke a warm sensation in my heart and I keep on smiling involuntarily. Kids truly are the most innocent souls who could offer us unexplainable glee just by their cute smiles...

Post a few seconds, I come back to normal and swirl my body to see my Deva mama. He has his hands folded against his chest, appearing exasperated. It's not difficult for me to grasp the reason behind his coldness and I let out a soft sigh as I approach him and stand right in front of his form.

He opens his mouth to bash me but I attach my lips with his, kissing him passionately. He dominates the kiss as usual and I give it to him to lead our intimacy. He moves his lips in sync with mine and tries to invade my mouth using his tongue but I restrict and tease him, amused by his impatience.

Having had enough, he moves us towards the dark corner of the terrace and unexpectedly gropes one of my breasts. It rendered me pry my lips in shock and Deva mama used the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. Simultaneously, his free hand cups my jaw and and he proceeds to massage my breast over my clothes, causing my hold to tighten around his torso.

Letting go of my lips, he drags it down my jaw and peppers kisses all over my neck, heating my body without mercy. "mm...mama," I pull at his hair and tug him up to meet my eyes. They are squinted and bear an immeasurable amount of lust for me.

I was equally tempted but decided to stop this before it escalates beyond my control. "Wait for a day mama..." He dismisses my words and bites my cheeks, imprisoning the flesh within his mouth and drenching it with the use of his tongue.

My toes curl at his rough bite and I shut my eyes, taking in the rapture he inflicts on my body by his hands and mouth. Instinctively, my hands fly to hold his when he begins to stimulate my nipple through the clothes. Under his touch, my nipple erected immediately and pokes through the bra, demonstrating itself perfectly against my thin clothe of churidar.

Deva mama uses his thumb and index finger to pinch the nipple and that particular sensation sends an effective and pleasurable signal towards the apex of my leg where the cavity that's already been gushing out liquids spilled out a heavy rush of thick fluid.

My body is tingling all over and even though my hands were trying to pull his hands off me, my intoxicated brain is opposing the idea.

"Vaenaam mama..." (No mama...) I whimper with hesitation and mama quickly backs off. He releases my cheeks as well and the area he has bitten felt tingly and wet...

"You..." I started but didn't know what to say further. He smirks and leans in again, "You what?" I regain myself and push at his chest.

"We aren't doing it unless Athai talks to you mama," Mama doesn't say anything. "I wasn't planning to either. But can't I just touch you?" I shake my head in a no.

"No. Touching leads to lack of self-control just like now..." He smiles cheekily. "So you're scared of being buttered under my touch?" My eyes go wide at his comment.

Indeed, it was what I was afraid of. I'm a simple human too. My physical desires wouldn't let me stop him If another time he grazes me...

"Che mama...stop talking about it. Go and sleep now. We need to look fresh in the morning. It's our marriage tomorrow," I attempt to divert the topic and mama swallows down a teasing smile as he stares at me again.

"Hm..." He hums and grips at my chin, watching my face with appreciative eyes. My cheeks are currently feeling fresh as his saliva there has been cooled down by the night breeze...

"...ponga mama..." (Go mama..) I push at his chest again and he leaves me with a gleam shimmering within his eyes.

A few minutes later, I exit the terrace and go downstairs. Many of my relatives were there and upon glancing at me, their gazes zero in on my face. "Who bit you?" An aunt questions and realization hits me like a harsh downpour as I instantly touch my cheeks and feel the teeth mark imprinted on my cheeks...

Argh! Deva mama!!

"..." I speechlessly, with a thundering heart glance at my relatives in fear. What should I tell them now?

Thankfully, I spot Vikram in the crowd and I point my hands at the little guy who is intently having his chocolate, oblivion to the accusation charged onto him.

However, my relatives were satisfied with my answer...

"Will that bite mark go away?" a relative of mine raises concern and was replied to by a distant cousin sister who happens to be my beautician.

"If it doesn't, we can hide it using concealer,"


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