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On the subsequent day of our marriage, mama received a call from his manager and it seemed that Deva mama's presence was needed in the office immediately. Mama tried to convince him but the person on the other side never gave in and finally, mama cursed his manager after disconnecting the call and asked me to pack my stuff for he must have to attend the office tomorrow.

The elders and my parents were displeased by our sudden departure but blessed us before we started our journey. It was a swift one where I just laid my head on mama's shoulder and slept serenely.

We reached the apartment in the evening and I let mama rest while I changed into my casuals and began preparing us something to eat.

By late six 'o'clock, I was done preparing Tomato rice and poured it onto two plates before heading to the room to wake up my Deva mama.

He was lying on the bed on his stomach and his sleeping face was too cute. "Mama," I ruffle his already messed up hair and he opens his eyes slightly and regards me.

Then unexpectedly, he pulls me closer to him and claims my lips, kissing me so intensely that my cavity between the legs starts to spill lewd fluids.

He leaves me after a few seconds and pushes me onto the bed, hovering over me like a predator. He again kisses me and tugs my t-shirt up until it reveals my bra. Removing it in a go, he separates his lips from me and ushers silently. "Don't wear it today," that being said, he discards my t-shirt completely and throws away the bra. Anticipating his next move, I tightly shut my eyes and I feel his lips against my nipples.

He kisses both of my nipples and takes one entirely in his mouth, flicking his tongue over and over again till I let out a strained moan. He then begins to suck the tip, and it felt as though he was extracting my soul from my body. My spine tingles and my head arches as he harshly revolves his tongue around the areola and switches to my other nipple, kissing and ravishing it the same way as he did to its pair.

Eventually, after satisfying his desire and providing me with immense rapture, he frees my breasts from his mouth and trails his lips downward to attack my navel with his tongue.

I could only squirm in pleasure while he took his sweet time exploring the depths of my navel and the sensitive area on my stomach.

My breathing has sped up now and I desperately needed a release...

But I cannot quite get there this time. My body is demanding more! As If understanding my situation, Mama runs his middle finger back and forth on my clothed womanhood and that's all it takes me to shake tremendously and attain a blissful orgasm.

My mouth remains parted open until I come down from the peak of pleasure. Meanwhile, my Deva mama is kissing my jaw and divided lips while his hand cups my womanhood over the clothes. It was an entirely different kind of feeling...so intense.

"I..." I start as my body begins to get back to normalcy from my orgasm. "I prepared Tomato rice mama.." mama chuckles at my words which sounds odd, given the sexual condition we were in.

"Let me freshen up quickly then," he pecks my forehead and squeezes my breasts before hopping off the bed and entering the restroom.

I blush profusely and look down at my enlarged breasts and erected nipples. Then I rewind his order to not wear the bra and I hesitantly put on my shirt, feeling a bit weird to walk braless.

Getting down the bed, I pick up the bra and put it in the laundry container. Forthwith, I go back to the lounge and turn the television on before settling on the couch.

There wasn't anything entertaining to watch and I ended up listening to songs in the music channel.

A couple of minutes later, Deva mama comes back and he picks up the plates from the kitchen as he approaches me and reclines beside me.

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