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"We should now focus on devising a plan to stop your marriage," I say while thinking about the ways I could break this approaching marriage of Thamara. Drowning in my arms, she nods with seriousness.

"Let's call your fiance," Thamara worriedly stares at me. "What If he gets angry and tells the same to my parents? In that case, it's better to speak with our parents first, right?" I lend her a thoughtful look. "They might become angered initially...but will definitely accept us once their resentment cools down," I rub at her shoulders with creased eyebrows, not convinced at her suggestion.

"...I don't think so Thamara. They knew I dated Iniya and how would they view it If I suddenly asked them to halt your marriage because I am in love with you?" She sinks into my hold again, defeated.

"Where is your phone?" I query so that I can converse with Velu. "I have byhearted his number," I nod at her response and fish out my phone from my pocket. Thamara then utters his phone number and type in the contact before calling him. But he doesn't pick up though. It actually says that his phone is switched off.

"Switched off," I sigh as I steer my eyes to Thamara, positioning my phone back in its temporary home. "Are you going to return to the village today itself?" She bobs her head, gloomily. "It took quite a work to come here in the first place mama," I groan, not having the heart to separate from her. "I don't want to let you go!" I hiss, genuinely disheartened.

"Mama..." She cups my cheeks all of a sudden "What?" I ask in a confused tone. "You are kind of cute," she adduces while smiling cheekily.

"Kind of? I thought I was totally a cutie," my corny comment earned me a dismissive twitch of the lips from Thamara. "How are you so full of yourself," She grasps the skin of my cheeks and pulls it, harshly.

Yet I can't help but crack a smile. This girl right here did something to me...

"Ayee, why are you smiling like that?" She frowns, a bit frightened. "Has your mental illness gone too far?" My smile pauses abruptly at her words.

"Romba pesura Thamara (You are talking too much)" Instead of being scared of my sternly said phrases, Thamara just continues to gleam.

"Anyways mama! Prepare something for me to drink. I feel so thirsty," she rubs her stomach. Understanding her plight, I press a kiss on her forehead and withdraw myself from the room.

Sauntering to the kitchen arena, I pick some oranges and prepare the juice of the same. While pouring the contents into the glass, I feel hands snaking around my torso.

"Hi," Thamara peeks her head to my side and looks up at my countenance, naively. My mind pulls me back to our childhood, showcasing the scenario when I used to skid around the fields along with a giggling Thamara clinging to my back. It was nostalgic and renders me feel a peculiar pain in my chest at the fact that I would never be able to relive that moment again.

"Mama!" I reel back to reality and look down at Thamara, smiling gently as I do so. "What were you thinking?" She queries dubiously. Offering the juice to her, I lean against the kitchen counter beside her as I start to dictate my thoughts.

"About our childhood days and the impossibility of us to experience it again," Sipping on the juice, Thamara rolls her eyes up at me. "You were only this tall," I point my hands to my midthigh, rewinding the way she looked during our golden days. "You would always ask me to carry you around on my back," I smile dreamily at the memory.

"Want to try it now?" Placing the empty glass on the counter, Thamara grins at me. "You are on your period..." I remind her, supposing she had forgotten about it and spoke carelessly due to the excitement. "So? Won't you carry me in other positions?" She squints her eyes, naughtiness dancing in it.

"Sure..." I scoop her within my arms in bridal style and watch her sparkly eyes with adoration. "I love you," I confess, my heart spilling over with the love that it cannot encompass inside.

"You are so out of character today mama..." She closes her mouth and giggles. I can feel it too, the change within me.

"When a guy is truly in love, such things happen I presume," I wink at her but she just stares at me lovingly.

"Seri, drop me on the mattress now, I want to sleep," Obliging to her wish, I walk to the room and spot her on the bed.

As soon as I did so, Thamara smiled at me before shutting her eyes to plummet into slumber. Settling beside her, I retract my phone and call Velu again but it was still switched off...

Sighing frustratedly, I put away the phone on the side table and lean against the headboard, zoning off and worrying about Thamara's marriage.

I don't know how we are to handle this matter If in case Velu is really into Thamara and doesn't agree call off this marriage. Talking to our family doesn't seem like the best idea even though it is the right thing to do...

If nothing works out and we are left with no other options to elect in order to halt her marriage, then I will converse with our family as the last resort. And If they showcase their disapproval, I wouldn't think twice before tying a thaali (nuptial chain)on her neck and making her mine.

I can't lose her.

Traveling my interest down to Thamarai's snoozing countenance, I brush her bristles, gently.

"You didn't sleep yet?" I amuse when she unseals her eyelids. "No mama, I couldn't fall asleep..." She trails off.

"What If nothing of our plan works out and I'm to marry Velu?" Her emotionally uttered query brings a vigor in me that my hands instinctively flee and closes her mouth. "I will not let it happen," I deposit a sweet kiss on her forehead and remove my hand that enclosed her mouth.

"Mama..." I raise my eyebrows, my face remaining inches away from hers as I teasingly speak, "Sollu d pondati (Tell wifey)" Her eyes literally bulge out before she starts to blush profusely.

"Ayo...mama," she tries to facepalm herself but I lock away her hands with mine, relishing her flushed self.
"Where is that ever so daring Thamara has disappeared into?" I mock, tickling her lips with mine.

"Ponga mama! (Just go)" I chuckle, watching her timid self trying to cower out of my view.


Any guesses of what will happen henceforth?🌝 I miss you guys♥️

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