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"Bye Deva!" I nod at Lali, staring at her through the glass of the helmet I've decked on as she grins widely and waves at me from behind the steering wheel of her car.

Jiffies later, as I reach my apartment, I throw my exhausted self over the couch and sigh wearily. "How many issues could a mere person handle in a day!" I groan into the couch and sit on it, dragging my body to freshen up.

Post-refreshing, I dumb myself on the couch again, not having the mood to cook dinner. Just then, my phone rings and I pick it up from the table to see Lali's name flashing on the screen. The girl rarely calls me so there must be a reason behind her contacting me.

At least that's what I thought while attending her call but as soon as I said the 'hello', she began to talk meaninglessly. I was confused by her behavior but was happy that she has finally accelerated away from Harsh and is returning to her normal self.

Half an hour passes by...and I yawn as Lali speaks endlessly. However, when Thamara's calls come in between, I become excited. "An important call is incoming Lali, we will talk later..." I say hurriedly. "Oh...okay then," she sadly mumbles.

Disconnecting her call, I was about to attend Thamara's one but the call ended right at the moment my fingers strayed closer to the green icon. Aggrieved, I contact her back and Thamara picks up within the first ring itself.

"Who were you talking to, huh?" She demands, and I smile as I imagine the rugged look on her face. "A friend, why?" I tease, my mood elevating at her sweet voice.

"Seems like a very significant friend," I chuckle at the possessiveness embedded in her tone. "Believe me, there is none as important as you to me. The exception being my parents," I utter gently and genuinely.

"Mama...you are too good with words," she murmurs sweetly but then suddenly raises her voice. "So stop talking to girls as much as you can! You are naturally gifted with a flirty mouth!" Huh? What? I chuckle at her aggression.

"Well, thanks for the compliment," I say cockily. "Mama...I'm being serious," She presses and I clear my throat before adding, "Okay madam, noted," I could picturize her rolling her eyes at my comment.

"Seri(alright) how was your day mama? And did those two people talk with you?" I sigh before initiating to answer. "The day was horrible Thamara," and I proceed to attest to her about all the conversations that have been exchanged between me, Harsh, and Iniya. I disregard Lali's part as I don't want to provoke my Thamara by stating about her action of kissing me on the cheeks. Even though I take it in a sisterly manner, Thamara will most likely interpret it in a twisted way, hence I went with the safe option of not disclosing about Lali.

"Ayo Mama, those two seem to have fried your brain. I wish I could there be next to you and console you," she says longingly. "I wish the same Thamara. I want you here right now," we both remain silent, sulking about the impossibility of being with each other at this moment.

"Deva mama! Don't be pessimistic. I'm always with you mama. Just tap your chest where beneath your heart lies whenever you are sad or stressed and just think about me...I will be there, right next to you," I smile at her innovative idea. "Okay, I will try it the next time I am down," I say with a nod.

"Try and tell me the result also, okay?" She giddily asks. "Sure ma," I reply with yet another hearty smile.

"So, what's for dinner mama?" I sit on the couch as I answer. "Nothing Thamara...haven't planned it yet," she drags a 'o' before booming. "Why haven't you? Food is the most needed essential in a man's life mama! What If you get sick because of not having enough food or eating unhealthy food from outside? Who will take care of you when you are so far from your home? Think about how worried we would all feel mama and--"

"Thayae (mother) I will eat okay! I'm going to prepare something, fine?" She replies swiftly. "Good," I roll my eyes at her strictly stated word.

"Okay then mama, have dinner and sleep well. Only two more days and we can meet again!" She speaks enthusiastically and I cheekily grin at that. "Yes! And I can't wait to have you in my arms and kiss you senselessly," She gasps on the other end, rendering my grin to broaden. "Che che mama, bye!" The call goes dead and I chuckle to myself, loving her reactions.


How could I solve this mess that I created? The only true friend I've ever created in my life is Deva. A guy who least cared about my wealth, unlike those bastards who formed a rapport with me for the sake of my money. It took me years before finding a good friend alike him and now I've lost him because of my own fault.

I wasn't intending to sleep with Iniya...but I don't know what happened to me and how in the world I agreed to do such a thing. I really was feeling enraged on behalf of my best friend and I was absolutely horrified when I found myself in the bed with her.

All I remember was harshly confronting her in the hotel and her emotional pleading to me. Then she lent me a drink to cool me down and thereafter, started seducing me. I tried my best to dismiss her and called for my driver to pick me up from the hotel. As he came by, Iniya also tagged along with me and the rest occurred on its own as my hormones reached their peak.

But I can't still believe that I slept with her when I was clearly against the idea. Hell with it, I wasn't even having any bad intentions over her for she is Deva's girlfriend. I knew my lane...

I doubted that she might have drugged my drink but I wasn't sure of it as I was still under my consciousness except for my hormones being out of control. What If it was just me being too horny? For a whole day, I was disputing with myself about it and I couldn't reach a right conclusion.

And so I had to neglect about this 'drink' topic when I was spilling the truth about that night to Deva. He acted too stubborn and I understand that he indeed has a valid ground to act the way he did.

So I let him be, choosing to talk to him another time when his anger diminishes a bit.

Also, I was keeping a keen eye on Iniya. That girl would do anything for cash. She had me go into a minor stroke when she had said that she would file a complaint against me for sexually assaulting her even though she was the one who coerced me. But unfortunately, none would believe me...

Anyway, from then on I decided to maintain a healthy distance from her and she did the same too. But today at noon, she asked me to provide her with Deva's parent's number and I refused strictly, saying that I don't have their number when in reality, I had them. I was definite that she had some bad motive behind the demand which was why I refused to offer their numbers. Besides, I have already done an unrectifiable deed to Deva and now I would do anything it to save him from potential harm which is in the form of a girl named Iniya.

The girl was adamant about obtaining their number and when I continually declined her wish, she became frantic. I was positive that she would use the fake victim card again and so I ran away before she could speak more.

Thankfully, she didn't approach me again. And I strived to make Deva know about this but the guy glowered at me whenever I neared him.

Hence I decided to handle this matter on my own!

Iniya surely is plotting something...


☺️Any idea of what's going to happen next? Comment♥️

And do you believe in Harsh or Iniya?

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