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Do check out chapter 58 too!♥️


I am aware we weren't going to do anything on our first night. However, the fact that it's our wedding night is swirling desire within me and rendering me blush profusely. Not to mention the frequent teasing of my cousins.

Our marriage would have been even more happier If athai had spoken to Deva mama and Maithili akka had attended our wedding. We've come to know about her status a few days back. She had contacted her sister Gayu and informed her about her registered marriage. She had said to Gayu that she couldn't meet her parents anymore because of the shame and betrayal she had inflicted on her parents...

Even If she comes back, I don't think her parents will be willing to accept her. It seems as though aunt and uncle have forgotten about their elder daughter. Even though they would surely be wishing her to lead a happy life with whoever she has decided to spend her life with, they couldn't digest her actions. When Gayu informed this to the elders, her parents were unreactive.

They don't want to indulge in her life anymore it appeared.

Personally, I wished she could have fought for her love rather than eloping with him. It could have saved her bond with her parents. But If she hadn't eloped, the consequences wouldn't have happened and by that I mean, I wouldn't be betrothed to my Deva mama.

Sometimes, I really do believe in the saying that 'everything happens for a reason' although some things are beyond bearable.

I sigh a breath as I snap out of my thoughts and focus on my cousin's glowing faces. We might not be complete now but at this point in time, we were meant to be the way we are and I'm prepared to accept everything as it is.

"Here," my athai lends me the milk tumbler and I smile up at her. She mirrors the smiles and asks me to go ahead. And my cousins were more than delighted to guide me up the stairs to my new room...

As we attained the front of the closed room, my cousins opened it and didn't think twice before pushing me in and shutting it after a loud howling of laughs and giggles.

I was more than shy at the present, but caught myself together and bolted the room. Swirling around, I was met with my Deva mama dressed up in a white veshti and shirt, seated on the edge of the bed, awaiting me eagerly.

I approached him quite tentatively and halted in front of him. The decoration on the bed with flower petals and strings of blossoms heated my body and I forward the milk tumbler to my mama with my eyes refusing to meet his.

"You are being out of character," I jerk up my head and narrow it at him. He silently sips the milk and offers me the other half which I drink quickly and place on the table aside.

Then I take two steps back and do what the elders had ushered me to do so. To take blessings from him. I didn't question the reason behind their statement cause I was devoted to my Deva mama to whose feet I could subsist on till the end of my life.

He is worth every bit of my respect and love.

Mama gets startled when I kneel down and touch his feet and he hastily squats down. "Are you crazy!?" There was genuine shock in his countenance as he regarded me.

"No," I shake my head at him.

"Why would you do that? What age are you living in Thamara!?" He scolds me, his eyebrows furrowed in genuine resentment.

"Athai asked me to do it and I wanted to do it," he doesn't seem convinced and grips my arm, pulling me up and seating me on the bed.

"You are supposed to be my equal. You falling to my feet appears as though you are worshipping me...as a god which I'm not," My eyes focus on his aggrieved one's intently.

"...I will worship you If I want to cause I respect and love you beyond my soul mama," He blinks his eyes at me.

"Epd sollanumnu therila mama aana chinna vayasula irunthae enku neenga na romba pudikum.." (I don't know how to say it in words mama but I have liked you so much since our childhood)

"And now finally being loved by you and having gotten the opportunity to love you more for the rest of my life is like a dream to me mama..." He cups my cheeks, rubbing away the tears that roll down my eyes without my permission. When it comes to Deva Mama, I'm a lost case. What I feel for him could never be gathered in words.

"I am not sure If I deserve such an amount of love Thamara. But I will try to be worthy of it. I've done many stupid things and made plenty of foolish decisions which have only hurt you. I've only hurt you Thamara...and I am extremely remorseful of every painful emotion that I let you feel. If I could reel back time, I would definitely delete all the deeds of mine that led to your pain. I'm sorry Thamara...and I really love you," he tightly embraces my cheeks and kisses my forehead and eyelids.

Our perspective of love and what we feel each other that we named as love is very different. But I guess that's what makes a relationship between a man and a woman divine and beautiful. They are both in love with each other in their own way.

Mama suddenly pecks on my lips and I jerk forward, caught off-guard. We stare at each other for a minute or so and then I'm laying on the bed with my Deva mama atop of me.

Feeling his body weight over mine and surrendering my lips to him had me squirm with unexplainable pleasure. With each flick of his tongue with mine, I felt us becoming hot...

Deva mama sucked my lips in his and kissed me aggressively as well as passionately which I tried to match to my best ability. Breaking the kiss, mama worked on unfastening the necklaces on my neck except for the mangal sutra and he discarded all the other jewels, and hairpins and placed them all in the side table.

"Mama..." I dubiously call him as he lays over me again. "Hm?" He hums as his hand massages my breast under the saree and over my blouse. He rubs me sensually and tugs at the nipple occasionally...

"What about the....ah...no sex until your mom talks to you?" I question with strain but Mama was driven by lust that he could hardly control himself. I'm evenly excited as well but I just wanted to remind him of our oath.

"Right...I was just carried away..." He falls to my side with a sigh and I place my head on his chest.

"Do you think she would speak to me anytime soon? She didn't even glance at me in our marriage..." Mama trails off, his voice lingering with dullness.

"She will definitely speak mama but it might take some time..." I kiss on his chest and wrap my hand around his torso while he holds my shoulder and the back of my head.


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