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God! I facepalm myself and lean against the door as soon as I kick Deva mama out of the room. These fresh feelings of timidness that his actions caused me to experience are beautiful... something I really longed for.

His unwavering and mesmerized gaze on me was sending my heart on a marathon race and all my extreme insecurities have dissipated at that look on his countenance. The one that renders me acknowledge his lustful desires that he possesses over me.

Biting on my lips to stifle the blush, I saunter to the mirror and peek at my appearance. I have never considered myself as a pretty girl but the form that stares back at me with sparks twinkling within her eyes, glowing happiness on her face, and shimmering shyness stretched over her dark lips let me gawk at a completely different version of me.

A genuinely delighted me. Being happy from within indeed makes a person look the most elegant.

With the smile not diminishing from my lips, I undone the clothes on my upper body and again, for the first ever time in my life, I wasn't repelled by my appearance. I couldn't comprehend what this was, but my skin tends to emit a melanin gleam and the part of my busty bosoms that sneaks up from behind my white bra appeared enthralling...so charming as it rose and fell at the remembrance of his gaze again.

Literal tears of glee swirl inside my eyesockets as the feeling of being loved lends me to undergo a whirlwind of emotions that I never even knew could be even felt...

Deva mama, I love you so much!

Twirling in contentment, I quickly undress myself completely and wear a simple sandal-red combination of half saree. I let my hair be in the same state of braid and before exiting the room, I glance at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

Once I descend the stairs and enter the kitchen to see my mom, she shrieks at my presence. "When did you come back!?" She asks in a surprised voice. "Long back mom! Be quite attentive mom. You wouldn't even know If some thief breaks into our home at this rate," I say giddily and snatch the knife from mom's hands and proceed to chop the vegetables.

"Thamara, don't divert the topic, tell me why have you come back soon?" I send her a gentle look as I start to elaborate. "So you see mom, the people in our area were way too interested in my eloped-away fiance and kept on poking fun at me. I couldn't take it beyond a limit and so, retreated back to home," I shrug, continuing to do my work.

"Sweetheart," she pats my arm and gives me a sympathetic stare. "Mom, I'm really alright. Don't worry..." I plop a kiss on her forehead and smile verily.

Noticing it, mom's eyebrows furrow dubiously. "You look happy..." I offer her a chuckle, "Sounds like you don't want your daughter to be happy," I say in a singsong way, teasingly.

"Cha!" She pinches my arm and gawks at me for my explanation. "Their words weren't anything that I hadn't anticipated mom so it didn't bother me deeply. Besides, what does being disheartened gain one? Nothing," I deliberately neglect the huge part my Deva mama has played as confessing his role in pacifying me didn't seem very appropriate...

Mom looks at me proudly.

Later, after the lunch, as I walk to Deva mama's home, I see him lying on the couch as he absentmindedly gaze at the ceiling.

His parents didn't seem to be around and I presumed that they must be seizing a nap after the lunch.

Grinning to myself at the fruitful situation, I decided to scare mama! Hence I quietly as possible walk inside and when I reach near the couch, I take up the crawling position to not catch his attention.

However, as I strive to creep behind the couch, someone, obviously my Deva mama, yanks at my braid. "What are you doing?" He questions cornily as he sits up on the couch with my braid still in his hold.

"It hurts mama," He doesn't let go, rather tightens his grip and tugs my head back so that I'm facing him. "It should for you have attempted to freak me out," I pout at his stern tone.

"But I've failed! So leave me," I grumble, scratching at his wrist. "Only If you apologize," he further tightens and I hiss audibly.

"Why should I apologize when I've not succeeded in scaring you!?" I throw an aggrieved look at him. "That doesn't matter. You have to say sorry for even bearing the mere thought of scaring me," That's unfair!

"Only in your dreams mama!" I stand my ground, glaring at him intensely. "Why do you have to be so stubborn and disobedient?" He twists my braid within his wrist and uprights himself on his foot, dragging my unwilling self upstairs. "This is violence! domestic violence! You are torturing me even before marriage!" I splutter recklessly as Deva mama effortlessly pushes me to his room and shuts the door.

"Tell me sorry," I shake my head negatively, glowering directly at his carefree self. Sparing my braid, he instead digs his fingers onto my bare waist. I try my best to ignore the tingle between my legs but fail miserably as his nose dips into the crook of my neck.

Sharply inhaling a breath, I cower within his graze over my skin...

"Say sorry..." He speaks into my ear and when I still refuse to comply, he grasps my earlobe between his teeth, stimulating my cavity down there to produce lewd matter.

I seal my eyelids together, basking in his ministrations on me. With a swipe of his tongue, his mouth departs from my earlobe and meanders towards my jaw. I scrunch his shirt on the chest as his pursed lips trail against my jawline...

"Mama.." just air escapes my mouth and I quiver when he scatters scorching kisses against all over my cheeks, then forehead, on top of those closed eyelids, the tip of the nose and that distance that blankets between my upper lip and nose and finally on the chin...

By now, my panties are soaking wet and I breathe out shakily, awaiting his touch on my brims. He purposely brushes against my lips and whispers, "Say sorry?" I peel my eyes at his words and challengingly peep at him.

"If not, what happens?" I query, drowning in his dreamy pupils. "Simple...then you won't get what you're craving for," he thirstily peeks at my brims.

"Apdiya? (Is that so?)" I smile slightly before taking the initiative and capturing his lips, apparently catching him off-guard in the process. Nonetheless, he gets himself together rapidly and devours and dominates the kiss although I was the one who started it.

We kiss for a long while and as we divide ourselves from each other, our ragged breath mingles together.

"Thamara...Is it bad that I don't want to go back to the city,?" he expresses his agitation and embraces me, resting his chin on top of my head.

"No mama..." I crush myself to his chest, relishing his warmth.

"Then can I stay back?" I look up at him with a hint of amusement. "Mama, it's just a matter of few weeks before I marry you and tag along with you to the city, so..." I assure him and he understands my incomplete sentence and grips me rigidly.


Are you guys sure that there aren't more obstacles to their marriage?🙁

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