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As soon as I detach the phone from my ear, I find my body simmering with guilt. It was my parents who contacted me. They asked me concern-brimmed questions and ushered me to enjoy the marriage of my friend before disconnecting the call.

I feel uncomfortable at the thought of having betrayed their trust. But because of the love my heart carries for Deva Mama, I could barely register the right and wrong that I do in this phase of my life.

Sighing, I stare blankly at the humongous buildings wrapped within the hold of the night sky. The sound of vehicles passing by the road seemed distant to me as I was too lost within myself. Then I sense that familiar manly scent of my Deva mama and I relax as he bands his hands around my waist and rests his chin over my shoulder.

"Let's have dinner, come," he caresses his cheeks with mine and I shiver unintentionally at the harsh brush of his stubbles. "Seri (okay) mama..." But he doesn't show any signs of shifting away. Instead, he leans more closer to me and finds comfort within our proximity. I could feel it by the way his heartbeat calms down and he executes a relieved sigh.

Something about this moment elevates my mood and brings me a distinct feeling, one so dreamy and serene. I thaw when his lips come in contact with my neck and he presses soft kisses across the exposed and sensitive place. His kisses bear more love than lust and I couldn't help but be beyond pleased to have him and his pure love on me.

"Don't we have to eat mama?" I ask softly as he snuggles his head onto my neck. "Right..." He drags and pulls away, giving me a gentle look before tugging my wrist and guiding me to the couch.

He provides me with a plate and places almost all the Chapathis that we have prepared. And then he sits the bowl with the side dish on the table and turns on the television.

He connects his phone to the television and scrolls through Netflix. Finalizing a random action movie, he dims the lighting of the living room and deposits himself next to me.

As the movie begins to play, he turns to me and says 'Ah'. Suddenly, it clicks that he was waiting for me to feed him and I hurriedly tore the chapati into a small piece and dips it in the side dish before forwarding the food to his mouth.

His attention is now on the television and I take in his soothing presence with a smile on my face that I don't realize I've been staring at him without blinking until he peeks at me again. He looks between me and the food and begins to feed me.

I silently accept his feeding and close my mouth around his fingers. He narrows his eyes but doesn't reprimand me as I let my tongue touch his fingers.

However, I notice the slight strain on his face. He hastily retreats his hand and retorts, warningly. "Don't Thamara," I chew the food without minding his words and rather focus my interest on the movie.

After swallowing the food, I look towards mama and respond composedly, "Why not mama? You are my husband, aren't you?" I query innocuously while he frowns, looking past my naive facade.

But then a sweet smile pulls at his lips.

"Indeed, so...are you ready?" he puts forth and I shrink at the connotation beneath his words. I wasn't planning to do that...

"For what!?" I boom, genuine fear clouding my features. I came here to just be with him and not to have him inside me. Sex wasn't in my mind at all. Well, a bit maybe.

"Should I elaborate it theoretically or practically?" He bends his face near mine while I back off onto the couch. It was fun to have him roam behind me back in the village. I wasn't a tiny bit scared then.

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