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Following lunch, I walk to my room and rest for a bit. However, my mind is being restive as it continuously rewinds the incident that had happened between me and my mama. The second his bulge had pressed against mine, I almost felt close to fainting! It wasn't anything like I imagined it to be. The feeling was immensely stronger and had me gasping without my own will.

I don't know whether I would be able to maintain my boldness at this rate...

Gulping, I fall back on the bed and shut my eyes.

When I rise after a deep slumber,
I enter the restroom and rinse my body. Then I cloak on another churidar and run downstairs to prepare tea. Mom was sleeping on the couch, and I sent her a glance before intruding into the kitchen.

A while later, as I await for the milk to boil up, hands grab at my hips, surprising me. But I seamlessly understand the owner of the hands and relax a bit. Howbeit, I'm frightened as my mother is just in the lounge!

"Amma is in the living room mama..." I remind him, pulling myself on my tiptoes and latching my hands around the tea powder container. "Yeah, I saw her," he says it so casually while I fidget with the lid of the container, suddenly reminiscing about the way he pushed his bulge onto my apex of legs.

"Seriously Thamara? I can't believe that you're scared of me," Mama leaves my side and leans against the kitchen counter, facing me with a smile. "Me? Being scared of you? Pch, not happening in this life of mine mama!" I pour out quite confidently but my heart is fluttering in anxiety.

Mama raises his eyebrows with a knowing smirk yet thankfully he didn't retort back. Neglecting him, I spill one and a half spoon of tea powder in the milk and absentmindedly balance myself on my tiptoes to place it back on the cabinet, failing to acknowledge the presence of my Deva mama.

Yet the moment I spot the container in the cabinet, my eyes dart to his own pair that's looking at me desirously. My heart skips a beat at 'that stare' and I quickly move aside, pondering on how to snatch the sugar container now...

"Get me the sugar container, mama," I act oblivion and ask him but he doesn't even shift an inch, neither did he respond. "Acquire it by yourself," he shrugs, staying unmoving at the place.

Throwing him an irritated glance, I furiously step towards him and crane my body to grab the sugar container. When I successfully hold the sugar container, I was proud of myself for not being a coward...well, it was until Deva mama wraps his hand around my waist and smashes me against his chest.

Eyes rounded in shock, I regard him with apprehensiveness and timidness. Why is he peeking at me like that!

"Vidunga mama...(leave mama) what If my mom enters and sees us in such a position!" I say in a small tone, my voice robbed of strength. "I don't really care about it Thamara. You are my wife and I have every right to touch you as I please, irrespective of the time and place. And If your mom has any problem with it...well, I can't possibly do anything respecting the same," he is deliberately stating such words to stir fear in me and even though I'm aware of it, I cannot, for some reason, be calm...

"Mama..." I try to press my palm against his chest and jerk myself back but mama pastes me more closer to him, dismissing my resistance.

It's not that I don't wish to be near him but because this isn't the appropriate location to do these intimate things.

I lower my eyes, feeling chaotic at the way my breasts are being attached to his chest.

As seconds skip by, mama plops a kiss on my forehead and releases me, probably thawed at my unusual demonstration of dismay and diffidence.

"At the coconut garden, sharply at 12 'o'clock..." He utters soberly, with no trace of a smile on his countenance. I nod my head in an instinct and he disappears from the kitchen...leaving me with a vigorously thudding heart.

Sighing a shaky breath, I gaze at the bubbling milk. I don't think he would spare me anymore. I don't want him to either...

Subsequently, once we have the tea and snacks, I run to my room and wrap the salangai (ghungroo) around my ankles. I decided to cancel the Bharatnatyam class today as it is mandatory for the students to wear saree which would definitely telecast my thaali to everyone. Hence I opted for the safe choice and elected to practice it in my home. Mom don't certainly mind about me attending or bunking the class, so gaining her permission to stay back home wasn't necessary.

Stepping the stairs up to the terrace, I seize in the heartwarming view of the sun being engulfed by the darkening sky. Smiling at the tranquility of the environment, I stand in the middle of the terrace and close my eyes which prompts my heeding sense to get stronger. I could listen to the faraway caws of the crows clearly.

Blended with the aforementioned sound were the moo of the cows, the rooster's alarm, the sweet tune of a sparrow, the distant chatterings of crops as they brush against its companions, and finally those ear-tickling whispers of the breeze...

Opening my eyes, I provide respect to the heavenly and devotional dance before starting to shuffle my whole body to the rhythm that plays inside my head.

Time ticks by and sweat starts emitting from the pores on my skin, but my hands and legs weren't interested in stopping anytime soon. My eyes dart in the direction my hands sway and I tune out the consciousness of the world and swim onto a realm where my subconscious state blossoms to its entirety and renders me feel elevated in a way that no words in any language would be able to construct an accurate sentence to depict it.

I felt unexplainably blissful as I eventually halt dancing. By now, the world has turned into a deep shade of orange and a blurry image of the moon has been glimmering amidst the vibrant clouds.

Suddenly, I hear applause and I avert my attention to the terrace of Deva mama's home adjacent to ours where Deva mama exists. His house is one storey higher than us, thus when I watch his enthralling self standing in the terrace, it seems as though he is literally dropped from the skies, just as his name suggests.

"It was eye-catching Thamara!" Mama halts his claps and comments earnestly while I am still fazed by his mere presence. He wasn't anything like Greek gods as people would so dearly appreciate a handsome man...

Conversely, my Deva mama's appearance is like any other normal Indian guy, but mama is just so uniquely attractive!

He acts stupid sometimes and tends to make rash decisions..but he has got a pure heart that cares for everyone...

"Entranced by my beauty, huh? Well, can't blame you Thamara. None can abstain themselves from being enticed by me," he flip his hand through his thick hair and I smile, finding his words and actions rather cute and childish than irking.

"I can't believe you are twenty-six," I shake my head, looking up at him. "Why so?" His brows furrow in confusion. "Do I not look my age?" He flexes his bicep and rubs his jaw grown with prickly stubbles.

"The manner in which you converse is similar to a teenage guy," I blurt out, calmly whereas he gives me a thoughtful stare.

"Are you trying to say that I sound immature?" I nod my head. "Absolutely ridiculous! How dare you compare me to a teen!? I'm offended," he swirls and leans against the parapet, his back facing me.

"I just meant that you sound similar to a teen but never said that I don't like it, mama..." I smile gently as he regards me over his shoulder, an intense look swirling on them.


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