𝟎𝟎𝟐. the expections of life

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chapter two


𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘺𝘦 𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦

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𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘺𝘦 𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦


She'd wished it all a dream. That this was all just one big joke her mind was playing on her. That she'd wake to her mother calling her down for breakfast. That's she wake in her own four walled bedroom. But alas the universe is too cruel for that. She'd again woken up in her sleeping bag that sat on floor of a tent. A tent in which she shared with her little brother and mother. From what Rory was seeing it would appear both her mother and brother had already left. She'd sighed as she did what she always did in unzipping her sleeping bag and made her way out of the tent. Their she spotted her mother who was sat near the fireplace they'd made in the middle of camp

"Morning mumma." Rory said as she placed herself down beside her mother. Lori Grimes making Lori looked up from the fire as Rory sat beside her. Lori Grimes peered up from the flames of the fire to lock eyes with her daughter. Her visibly aged face – her tried like eyes and her forced smile Rory knew Lori was giving her.

"How'd you sleep?" Rory asked. The woman ran a hand through her long brunette locks that were surprising still in good condition. You can count of Lori Grimes to always be prepared. In the time of the execution Lori made sure to grab the essential – one being a hair brush – while also some family photos.

"The best I could." Was all she said. So that meant none at all. Lori Grimes wasn't sleeping properly. And Rory couldn't blame her. Losing her father pained her but her poor mother felt even worst. She was all alone now – raising two kids in an apocalyptic world. "How bout you baby." Lori asked raising a hand to brush a lock of the teenagers hair behind her ear. Rory shrugged her shoulders.

"I did ok – you know I like camping as much as the next person but after about six weeks on the ground I'm dying for a chiropractor appointment." Rory joked but at the same time wasn't. Her back was killing her. Lori shook her head as a smile spread across her face.

"Oh quick whining you'll live." The woman said. Rory scoffed at the lack of empathy the woman showed. "Wow where's that motherly love I'm suppose to get." Rory said. Lori turned to face her daughter as she thinned her lips looking in the distance before back at her.

"It died when you became a teenager." Lori said. Both girl burst out laughing as Rory nodded. Yeah. Yeah that sounds about right.

"Hey? Hello?" Was heared from across the camp. Rory looked to see Amy, a girl from the camp yelling into the radio. Lori stood up and gestured for Rory to follow. Rory stood next to Lori with Carl as they watched Amy sigh in defeat.

"We're just outside the city. Damnit. Hello? Hello? He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him." Amy said.

"Try to raise him again. Come on, son. You know best how to work this thing." Dale, an older man who lived at the camp said to Shane. Shane comes over and tries to work the radio.

"Hello, hello, is the person who calls still on the air? This is officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting a person unknown, please respond." Shane spoke into the radio. From where Rory stood she heard no response. Shane turned to the rest of the group shaking his head. "He's gone."

"There are others. It's not just us." Rory's mother spoke up.

"Yeah, We knew there would be, right, that's why we let the CB on." Shane said to the grimes mother who scaled.

"Lots of good it's been doing." She snapped at the man. Shane was of sorts the leader of their group – seeing as he had that alpha male personality that made him a "natural born leader". To be honest Rory hated him being their leader. He always made calls that benefited himself then the group and always had to play my dick is bigger then yours with everyone who questioned him.

"I've been saying for a week, we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city." Her mother said. Rory who still stood at her mother side nodded in agreement. She wanted to help others. Others like them that were scared and just wanted a place to call home.

"Folks got no idea what they're getting into." Amy spoke up. Rory could see Shane was fed up with the conversation. "We don't have enough time." He snapped.

"I think we need to make time." Lori snapped back. "Yeah, that, uh... That's a luxury we can't afford. We are surviving here. We are day to day." Shane argued.

"And who the hell would you propose to send?" Dale joined in. "I'll go. Give me a vehicle." Rory head immediately snapped towards her mother direction.

"No way if she's going I'm going." Rory argued. No way was she letting her mother go out their alone. Over her dead body.

"Nobody's going anywhere." Shane said. Rory watched as her mother gave Shane the dirtiest look unknown to man kind before saying

"Yes, sir." and storming off. Carl goes to follow however Shane holds him back.

"Hey, hey, hey, come on, take a sit, buddy. Stay with your sister go on, you're alright." He said making brief eye contact with Rory before running off after the siblings mother. Rory wondered what that was about but was shook her head disregarding it and putting her hands on her brothers shoulders.

"What do you think Shane's doing with mom?" Carl asks making Rory shrug. "Beats me." She said.

Getting curious she decided to walk over to their tent alongside Carl to see her mother and Shane in the tent

"Mom?" Carl calls out making both of them jump back from one another.

Shane exits rather quickly walking up to the siblings. "What's up, guys? She's in there, go on." He said walking past them with Rory's eyes watching him go. The Grimes siblings walk up to Lori and Lori bending down to Carls level while also looking up at her daughter.

"Hey. I don't want you too to worry. Your mom is not going anywhere. Okay? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Go finish your chores." She said making Carl nod and walk away leaving Lori and Rory behind.

"Hey what was that about?" Rory asked once Carl was out of ear shot. Lori scrunched up her nose looking at her daughter with confusion.

"What was what about?" She asks. "You and Shane; looked pretty intense in there everything ok?" She asks. Lori sighs placing both her hands on both Rorys cheeks.

"Everything's fine don't you worry. Ok." She said making Rory sigh and nod. "Ok." She muttered making Lori smile placing a kiss on her daughter forehead. "Ok -  good now go help your brother out with some chores." She said. Rory nodded and headed on over towards the RV missing the guilty look Lori had watching her daughter walk away.


authors note !!

Literally cannot wait to start writing Beth and Rory. There gonna be the cutest lesbian couple of the zombie apocalypse

Again this chapter isn't the best as there's not much I can write of Rory in the first couple episodes

Votes and comments are always welcomed <3

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