✧ chapter 1 ✧

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word count: 875 words

you sat down on your chair with a sigh. it was the first day at school after the pandemic and you hardly made any friends, not that you expected to. 3 years of online learning left you with 0 friends so the 1st year in high school felt more like the 1st day in a whole new school. besides, walking up to people and talking to them was something you always hated as an introvert. if only people could just say hello or something to me, you thought. to be honest, you're actually a very wild person if you got comfortable. but maybe for today, you'll just going to eat alone at your table. 

note: (not cafeteria type, classroom. that's where I eat at my school.)

you then began scanning the room for some potential friends you might make in the future. well, seemed like they all already had friends, so you shrugged and continued your meal. 


"oh hi fushiguro. what's up?"

"nothing. i'm bored honestly."

yes, this is your first friend here, megumi fushiguro. he seemed quiet but since you two sat next to each other it wasn't long before you started to know him well. maybe he'll be my friend at least, you thought while chewing on your food.

"yo, megumi! look, i can finish this rubik's cube in just 30 sec!"

just then, a boy with pink hair rushed over, excitedly while waving a rubik's cube in his hand. fushiguro turned to him and stood up with his hands crossed.

"show me."

"wait lemme shuffle it first."

two other boys came behind him, one was a black haired boy who was quite fat (no body shaming intended) and another was a boy with white hair who was wearing a jacket with the collar covering the bottom part of his face. the both of them just watched the pink haired boy solving the cube. you observed them while eating and your attention was generally pointed at the boy with white hair. he just gave a unique aura, a mysterious but comforting one. then the pink haired boy suddenly shouted making you snap out of your thoughts.

"yess!!! 25 seconds!!"

fushiguro resetted his watch and sighed.

"my sister could do 20."

the pink haired boy's eyes widened. 


"well, duh."

the fat boy walked closer to the two who were by the table next to you with the white haired boy following behind. the fat boy noticed you were watching them so he came over.

"oh, are you new?"

"uhh, yea?"

fushiguro turned to you.

"yes, she's new. her name's y/n l/n. i also just met her since she's sitting next to me."

"ah i see, nice to meet you l/n. i'm panda."

lil note: cus this is a school au and obviously a walking and talking panda can't exist i decided to make him 'human' 

"oh, nice to meet you."

panda turned around and pointed at each one of the boys.

"lemme introduce you to my friends. the pink haired one is yuji itadori, the black haired next to him is megumi fushiguro, as you probably already know, and the white haired behind me is toge inumaki."

you gave them a smile and nodded slowly.

"it's nice to meet you all."

itadori suddenly rushed to you and shaked your hand like crazy.

"it's so great to meet you! i mean, i never really have a friend who's a girl, so it's really interesting!"

fushiguro gave him a hard smack on his head.

"who said you were already friends, huh?"

"ow! sorry!"

you covered you mouth lightly and giggled at the sight.

"it's okay! i'm sure we're all going to get along well."

itadori's eyes glistened and began teasing fushiguro.

"see? i told you!"

fushiguro rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked away. you smiled at the both of them and realized the white haired boy was standing in front of you.

"um, hi. i'm toge inumaki."

"oh, right, hi! i'm y/n l/n. nice to meet you."

inumaki nodded and gave you a smile that you could see from his eyes. he then took the seat in front of you and turned it so he could face you.

"so, why are you eating alone?"

you bit your lip at his question and tried to find a decent answer.

"ah, well, since the pandemic hit i wasn't able to have any friends, really, so it's like my first day here. plus i'm introverted so i guess it's hard to make friends easily."

"i see. don't worry, i can be your friend. also, how's your day so far?"

"okay, i guess. the classes are alright and the teachers are quite kind too."

"well, i'm sure you're going to feel more at home soon. if you need anything, you can just ask me, okay?"

"sure, thanks."

the school bell rang and everyone began to scramble to their seats. you closed your lunch box and stored it inside your bag. fushiguro shooed itadori who was sitting on his seat so he dashed to his seat before fushiguro could hit him or something. but you couldn't see inumaki and panda anywhere so you thought they probably went to the restroom. you then opened your english book and sighed.

at least i made some friends today.

a/n: ok it might be a cringe first meeting but yea- anyway, y/n calls everyone by their last name and vice versa since it's a custom in japan but yuji calls fushiguro by his first name since they're besties~

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