✧ chapter 16 ✧

717 14 8

word count: 1536 words

"and that person... is you."

you gasped as you heard those words from his mouth. you couldn't believe what he was saying.

this isn't a dream, right? it can't be real-

"d-do you mean it? i mean, i never thou-"

your words were interrupted as you felt something warm touch your lips. your eyes widened as you tried to process what just happened. he kissed you.

you then kissed back and deepened the kiss. you closed your eyes and you grasped his collar to pull him closer to you. his right hand was still on your cheek and you felt a million butterflies inside you. it felt like a dream.

after a while, you let go of his collar and he took this as a sign to back away. he moved his lips away from you and you took a deep breath. your mind was going crazy at what just happened. inumaki then touched your forehead with his which made you able to feel his breath on you. it smelled like vanilla. he smiled at you as you tried to look down, not wanting to make you face heated up even more.

"you are so pretty, y/n."

you smiled wider at him and giggled. 

"i never thought this would happen. this isn't a dream... is it?"

his hand that was on your cheek pinched your cheek and you flinched.

"ow! that hurt."

he laughed.


you then put your arms around his shoulders and he moved his arms and wrapped them around your waist. the both of you stayed like that for a while, forehead touching each other. you never wanted this moment to end. it was perfect. 

"so, y/n..."


"are you willing to be my other half?"

you giggled.

"why not?"

a huge smile appeared on his face and before you knew it your lips touched his again. it was more passionate than the previous one, one filled with love. 

after he pulled away from you, he saw your red face and laughed.

"you really are cute looking embarrassed like that."

you looked away before looking back at his amethyst eyes and smiled.

"so are you."

in less than a second his face flushed and he patted your head. you smiled at the sight. usually he always teased you and now it was fun to see him being the one who was embarrassed.

"let's go home, shall we?"

his extended his hand and you gladly took it, intertwining your fingers into his. he then led the way towards the end of the alley and you followed him, feeling happier than ever. 

***mini timeskip***

"i'll see you tomorrow, then?"

"sure. thank you for today, inu- toge-senpai."

you bowed a little at him to show gratitude and he smiled.

"thank you too, y/n. i love you."

with that he turned around and walked to his house while giving a small wave to you. you waved back and mouthed "i love you too."

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