✧ chapter 18 ✧

732 10 16

word count: 3021 words

"...and then we'll colour it with some crayons or markers, i guess. we could even add some glitter!"

"mhm, sounds great, nobara."

you were discussing a group project with nobara, megumi, and itadori that you had to make for your geology project. it was going to be about the structure of the earth which had to be done in groups. luckily, you could choose your partners and since each group had to consist of 4 students, you immediately knew who to pick. you were now sitting with the others in your chairs that were arranged to surround your table on each side so it would be easier to discuss things. megumi had drawn a rough sketch of the project on a piece of paper and now the rest of you were throwing ideas on how to perfect it. 

"oh, i know! instead of crayons, we can just use paint so it will look better for the gradation!"

nobara frowned at itadori.

"yeah, sure, but it will be a mess. and we have to do it at school so it will be hard to clean up afterwards."

"but crayons will look uglier!"


itadori backed up to his seat as nobara got up from her seat and came closer to him with her death glare while pointing her finger at his face. thankfully, your teacher, homiya-sensei was sleeping on his desk as always so you didn't have to panic at the current situation.


you giggled and devised a plan to make your ship sail. megumi knew what you were going to do from the look on your face and he sighed as he looked away, uninterested in your little scheme. once nobara was close enough to itadori you pushed nobara from her back and she fell down once again. you laughed at the sight and sat back at your own chair. but this time, once she pushed herself away you saw her face was as red as a cherry and you stopped laughing. 

oh, geez... wait a moment...

nobara panted and quickly shot a look at you. 

"n-nobara... d-did you..."


the entire class set their eyes on your group with raised eyebrows. you couldn't help but laugh once more and you also saw that itadori, for once, had a slight blush on his cheeks.


itadori then got out from his trance and looked at you with that innocent look of his.

"huh?? uhh..."

you were distracted by itadori that you didn't see nobara clenching her fist and coming closer to you. once nobara lifted her hand in the air, you realized too late and you gasped as you lifted your hands in front of you like a soldier surrendering. 


ding dong! ding dong!

nobara stopped her fist midair as she heard the school bell. just then, homiya-sensei lifted his head from his desk and nobara saw that he was awake which made her rush back to her seat. she then sat down quietly in her seat as if nothing happened. you couldn't help but snicker as you saw how she changed in a split second. she continued to give you a death glare, though. homiya-sensei then yawned and stretched his arms as he stood up. 

"alright class. i hope your discussion has finished and we're going to start off with the project on the next meeting. see you all!"

with that he left the classroom and once he stepped out, nobara turned her eyes back on you. 

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