✧ chapter 8 ✧

923 28 16

word count: 1423 words

it's been a week since your little 'date' with inumaki. you have started to get closer to him and often chatted with him in school and online. despite hating school days, now you got something to look forward to every weekday. especially on the days during the extra classes, you loved those. you loved how he would sit next to you, shoulder to shoulder. you loved how fun it was to talk to him while you gazed into his beautiful eyes. you loved that sometimes he would hold your hand to keep you safe while crossing the road. you just loved everything he did to you. and before you knew it, you felt closer than a friend to him.

the day was quite the usual boring school day, but you lit up as you remembered there was an extra class on that day. you walked out of class excitedly and a familiar face greeted you.

"ah, toge-senpai, heading to the extra classes?"

"yeah, c'mon, let's go before our seats get taken."

you nodded and the two of you made your way down the stairs to the streets. it was remarkably hot that day, and you felt your hair was getting really dry and might fall out any moment now. you touched your scalp and retracted your hand while scowling. 

"ouch! that's hot."

inumaki let out a little laugh before reaching into his backpack. he took out a white transparent umbrella from the side pocket of his bag and handed it to you.


"oh, thanks."

you opened it and held it upright above your head. you felt your head cooling down thanks to the shade. 

"um, do you wanna use this too, toge-senpai?"

"no, it's fine."

"i mean, it's really hot today."


he came closer to you and grabbed the umbrella from your hand. you smiled with your cheeks red as your sides were hitting each other. you then felt a warm touch on your left shoulder and turned to see inumaki pulling you closer to you as the both of you began to walk down the asphalt road. 

there was silence for a moment before the white haired boy spoke up.

"hey, the mid terms are coming up aren't they?"


he grinned slightly.


"well, kinda. i mean, it's the first mock test since the pandemic."

"yeah. i guess we got to used to doing things online, huh?"

"yep. probably everyone got used to playing games while having online classes."

the both of you laughed and started talking about how you wouldn't pay attention to the teacher during online classes. after a while, you both arrived at the extra classes. 


"gosh, i'm gonna be late."

you thought to yourself as you hurried up the stairs of your school on the first day of the midterms. during the midterms, each class was to gather in front of their respective classes without going inside before the tests started to prevent any cheating papers being put somewhere in the class.

you saw your friends have gathered outside and thankfully you weren't late yet. you peeked into the class to see the clock and realized your watch was too fast by 5 minutes which meant you still had around 15 minutes of pre-test preparation. you plopped down in front of the door and opened your bag to take your biology book. you skimmed through the pages, paying attention to the highlighted words and suddenly you felt someone behind you.

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