✧ chapter 7 ✧

867 22 25

word count: 1574 words

"for being an amazing best friend or something more~"


you gasped as you tried to digest what you just heard from his mouth. 

c'mon y/n, he probably doesn't mean it in that sense. 

you closed your eyes and shook your head getting rid of that stupid thought. inumaki looked at you in confusion and tilted his head to the right.

"what's wrong, y/n?"

"uh, nothing."

you looked away and tried to hide your flustered face.

he's just joking, duh.

inumaki nudged you with his right shoulder with his ice cream in hand.

"here, have a bite before it melts."

"oh wait, lemme take a pic first."

since you loved taking pictures and posting them on your social medias, you immediately took your phone from your skirt pocket and opened your camera app. after taking 3 pics, you closed the app and placed it back. inumaki simply chuckled at your actions.

"you love taking pictures, huh?"

"yeah, i'd love to be an influencer someday."

"i thought you were an introvert...?"

"well, i don't mind talking to the camera."

inumaki laughed at your comment and patted your head with his free hand.

"what's your instagram username, anyway?"

"it's (instagram username)."

"ah, okay then. i'll follow you later."


"okay then, have a bite."

you nodded and wanted to take the cone from his hand but he kept holding on it so your hand was on top of his soft hand. you brought it closer to your mouth and took a small bite as you winced.

"ooh, it's cold."

inumaki laughed lightly and unzipped the collar of his jacket. it was the first time you saw the bottom part of his face and you saw some marks on the left and right side of his mouth. 

"what's that?"

"hm? oh. it's a birthmark."

"is that why you always zip your collar?"

"yeah, cus i hate people mistaking it for a tattoo."

you laughed and he smiled.

"you don't really have to hide it, it's pretty."

inumaki's cheeks turned red after hearing what you said. he glanced away before looking back into your eyes.

"no, you are prettier. i've said that, haven't i?"

you then remembered the little note he wrote in your notebook last time. you nodded and he gave you a comforting smile. 

"did you, really mean it?"

"why would i lie?"

instantly you felt your cheeks heated up and your hand that was on top of his was also warmer. 

"thank you."

he nodded and took a taste of the ice cream that was already starting to melt. the ice cream on top was the vanilla so he ate that one. 

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | ɪɴᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now