✧ chapter 11 ✧

771 18 8

word count: 1944 words

once the credits rolled on screen the lights turned on and you lifted your head from inumaki's shoulder but you forgot that there was his head on top of yours so you hit his chin pretty hard.


he lifted his head from yours and you quickly lifted yours too. he then massaged his temples with his left hand which he retracted from your head. your hands were still intertwined between the both of you.

"oh my, i'm so sorry!! did it hurt??"

"nah, it's fine. besides, you look so cute when you're flustered."

his words made your already red face even redder so you turned away, avoiding his gaze. he chuckled and patted your head as he always did. 

"sooner or later you should get used to it, y/n."

you turned your head back and gave him a small smile. you then remembered about the popcorn which you didn't eat since inumaki put it somewhere. 

"oh right! about the popcorn, where is it?"

"it's here, next to me."

he turned his head to his right so you tilted your head to the left to get a better view and saw the empty tub seated on the empty seat next to him.

"you finished it?!"

"well, duh. you were so engrossed in the film that i bet you didn't notice me chewing on the popcorn, huh?"

you pouted.


he giggled and shook his head.

"calm down. i'll get you another one next time."

wait, there's a next time?!

"um, okay."

"anyway, we haven't took a pic yet."

"the food? i already took one."

"no, of us."

your cheeks quickly heated up but you took out your phone and opened your camera app anyway. you flipped the camera to selfie mode and held it out to get the best angle. 

"just put it in front of us, i think?"

"okay, wait."

you held out your phone in front of you and tried to make sure the both of you could fit in the frame. since the frame was quite small so you were about to change it to 0.5 zoom until you heard him whispering in your ear. 

"just come closer."

you were a bit startled by his words and looked hesitantly at him.

"it'll work that way. i'm sure."

"uhh, alright then."

you came closer to him and you felt his hand back at your waist pulling you closer. you then set a timer of 3 seconds so it would be easier to take a picture and pressed the white round button. 

3, 2, 1... click!

you relaxed your extended hand and saw the result. you smiled at it. it looked so cute. you also felt inumaki peering at your phone next to you. he was so close that you could feel his breath. 

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