✧ chapter 3 ✧

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word count: 1456 words

it was already the 3rd week on the new school year and you were starting to know quite a few people. of course, you considered your first few friends your closest ones and you still meet them daily at school and at the extra classes. and you may not really know it yet, but there's just something about that white haired boy that makes your heart beat faster when you're near him. 

but, every time you see him you couldn't forget that embarrassing moment which happened on the 3rd day of school. see, you thought that all your friends were your classmates since you always met them during recess. but something happened that day that made your cheeks flushed red. 


"hey, remember when nanami-sensei got mad at the girl in front? he looked so serious i'm sure she had tears in her eyes!"

"yea, i know right? if that was you though, itadori, i bet you're going to burst in laughter, though."

you and itadori chuckled while fushiguro smiled a little. it was just the 3 of you, hanging out during recess in your class, plus inumaki who was standing next to your table. panda wasn't there because he had to help gojo-sensei with some tasks. you noticed inumaki didn't really laugh so you wanted to tease him a little.

"inumaki, sorry if we're talking bad stuff about your fAvOrITe tEAcHer, eh? you act like you like his classes. even fushiguro got the joke."

you grinned while nudging him a little.

"sorry l/n, but i don't know how he teaches."

"huh? wait, what?"

"my math teacher last year was utahime-sensei."

"wha- wait, i thought you were our classmate?"

inumaki's eyes widened in confusion and fushiguro stepped in.

"actually l/n, he's a 2nd year student."

when he said that you felt your cheeks tainted red in embarrassment. you did notice itadori and fushiguro calling him senpai but you thought it was just a joke. and you, who didn't even know him for more than a week, called him without honorifics. wow. 

"oh- i- i'm so sorry, inumaki senpai!"

"huh? for what?"

"i never called you by your honorifics! i'm sorry!"

you bowed your head while trying to hide your red face. you could hear inumaki chuckled and felt a hand on top of your hair. you looked up slightly to see him giving you a head pat which made you cheeks even more red like a tomato. 

"it's alright, l/n. we all make mistakes sometimes."

"t-thank you."

end of flashback

"l/n? are you paying attention?"

a voice broke your thoughts and you sat up straight.

"ah, yes, gojo-sensei."

"now's not the time to daydream, okay?"

"um, yes. i'm sorry."

gojo-sensei nodded, turned to the board, and began writing some physics formula. you sighed and rubbed your eyes. you couldn't pay attention well in class these days. maybe it's because of... him? you shook your head trying to get your image of the boy out of your mind. suddenly, you heard someone whispering in your ear from behind.

"what's wrong, y/n?"

you turned around swiftly to see nobara learning forward. you found out last week that she was in your class too and was moved behind you which made the two of you closer. (that's why they're calling each other by their first names.)

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