✧ chapter 10 ✧

748 15 6

word count: 1133 words

once you got back to inumaki, you remembered to update your story on instagram so you opened your phone app. 

"wanna take a pic? here's the popcorn."


he placed it in front of the drinks which you have put leaning towards the sofa. you positioned it so it would look good on the photo and took a snap. you then opened your instagram app and picked the photo and added the caption: movie time!! finally seeing titanic~ after debating for a while whether you should tag inumaki or not, you decided to and tagged his username. you adjusted the size so it would be smaller than your caption and placed it on the top left corner of the photo which may be unnoticeable since it would be overlapped by your username when people view your story so you won't have to get all those "omg are you dating??" texts. once you were satisfied you pressed your story to upload it. you then erased the app and sat down on the sofa to wait for the doors to open. 

soon after you uploaded it, inumaki got a notification from his phone so he opened it and saw your post. he smiled at it and reposted it to his story. you got the notification on your phone and saw his story which was the repost of your previous story. you noticed he placed two heart emojis on the left bottom corner which was definitely noticeable. 

hmph, that's cute. but now people's gonna get the wrong idea. nice.

"what's wrong?"

"nothing. just well, i'm thinking your inbox is gonna get flooded, toge-senpai."

"yours too, i guess."

you both laughed and then the doors to the theatre opened. you entered it while looking for your seat. you followed inumaki to the row on the very top and found the seats. just like what inumaki said, they were 'couple seats' which means it didn't have any armrest in between. you sat down on the left side with the drinks still in your hand. inumaki sat down first and placed the popcorn between the two of you. you handed him his drink which he took a sip from after unzipping his collar. 

he's so cute.

you couldn't help but stare at his beautiful features which didn't went unnoticed.

"something wrong, y/n?"

you blushed and quickly looked straight ahead to the black screen as you positioned yourself on the seat with your hands placed next to your sides to support your body as you weren't leaning back.


you then felt a soft hand placed on top of yours and you looked at him. you saw his smiling face and you were sure there was also a slight tint of red on his cheeks. you smiled back and his other hand picked up a popcorn from the popcorn tub in front of your touching hands and brought it closer to your mouth. 

"here, have one."

you kept still for a while before opening your mouth as he placed it and you bit on it making a crunchy sound.

"mmh, it's good."

he then ate one himself.

"you're right. it is good. well this would be great to distract me from crying later on, i guess."

you laughed and so did he. 

"no worries, i've got some tissue. here."

you took them out from your skirt pocket and placed it next to the popcorn tub. he smiled as a gesture of thanks to which you returned his smile.

then it was quiet for a few minutes as you looked around the cinema to distract you from being even more flustered at this moment. 

"say, it's only us, huh?"

"that's nice. it's like we bought the whole theatre."

"haha, yep!"

as soon as you finished your sentence the lights went off and the movie started. you leaned back to feel more comfortable and heard inumaki whispering next to your right ear which made you tingle a bit.

"i've got something to tell you later."

you looked at him, hoping to be able to see him despite the darkened room and you could see a small smile plastered on his face. you smiled back and looked back at the screen to enjoy the movie.

***mini timeskip***

halfway through the film, your drink was already finished and you noticed the popcorn was already eaten half of it. your hand was still beneath inumaki's hand which kept you feeling warm through out the movie. 

as you were carefully watching the movie, you saw the popcorn tub being moved to the empty seat on inumaki's right from the corner of your eye. the hand on top of yours was then lifted and it moved to hug your waist. you were a bit shocked by his move but didn't say anything. he then pulled you closer to him until you could lean your head on his shoulder. you lifted your legs from the floor and slipped out of your shoes. you crossed them to the left side so you would feel more comfortable. you then felt his right hand shuffling around looking for your hand.

"toge-senpai, my hand's sticky from the popcorn."

"so is mine."

you smiled a bit at his persistence and you held his right hand in your left as your right was placed on top of you lap. his head then leaned on top of you head and you felt his hand on you waist rubbing you softly. you were extremely grateful the lights were off so he didn't have to see your face that looked like a cherry. 

***mini timeskip***

"Promise me you'll survive."

"I promise."

"Never let go."

tears began to fill your eyes as your right hand searched around for a tissue. inumaki knew what was going on and handed you one. you dabbed your eyes and blew your nose. the hand that was on your waist this whole time lifted up to your face and held your cheek softly. it then carefully wiped your tears as if they were something very fragile. you relaxed at his touch and snuggled a little closer to him. after wiping your tears he slowly put strands of your hair behind your ear and began playing with your hair. you gripped your intertwined hands a little more as you felt his thumb rub the back of your hand slowly. you then thought the same thing as the words which were said on the screen.

I'll never let go.

a/n: HI Y'ALLLLL!!! I'M FINALLY BACKKKKK!!! i've kinda suffered from writer's block so yea :) anyway i hope the beginning paragraph about posting in instagram wasn't too confusing! i mean, i'm sure most of the people reading this uses instagram, right? i'll also try to update more frequently like last time so don't forget to add this story to your library for updates! also the titanic quotes are something i got from google so idk if it's wrong or something- nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed this~ ^ω^

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