✧ chapter 2 ✧

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word count: 668 words

is this... the place?

you slowly walked down the street leading to a small home. fushiguro had suggested that you joined some extra classes which were organized by a senpai. you thought that it would be beneficial to join but you hesitated when you reached the front of the house. it looked small and you were worried it was just a sick joke. 

honestly, this place looks quite creepy. that guy, if he's lying to me i'll kick his ass. 

you took a deep breathe and entered the door after knocking as you were met with a familiar face.

"oh, l/n. i was wondering if you'd find the place."

you were still slightly skeptical despite him behind there, though.

"hi fushiguro. are you the only one here?"

"nah, the others came already. come inside."

you took off your shoes, placed them on the shoe rack which made you realized there were quite some people inside. fushiguro led you inside a room where you could hear loud chattering from inside. he opened the door and you were surprised that lots of people were there. the room was small with lots of seats and tables circling around. in the front was a whiteboard for the classes with different colored markers on the small compartment that was attached to the board.

the seats are something like this:

the room layout is something like this:

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the room layout is something like this:

itadori, who was sitting in the very front and the middle was the first to notice you so he waved

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itadori, who was sitting in the very front and the middle was the first to notice you so he waved.

"hey, l/n! joining the extra classes too?"

"oh yeah, fushiguro recommended them to me."

"that's great! i'm sure you'll learn a lot in no time."

"i hope so."

you then walked in and sat down on one of the seats in the front, second from the right. itadori was on your left and next to you was a girl with short brown hair. the girl noticed you and looked up from her phone.

"oh hey, i think i've seen you before."

"um, maybe?"

"i'm nobara, by the way. nobara kugisaki."

"oh, i'm y/n l/n."

"yeah, i think i've seeen your name in our class list."

"same here. sorry, i haven't really recognized who's in our class, honestly."

"no problem. first day in a new class is always this way."

you smiled at her and gave a small nod. she seems nice. maybe we could be friends. 

the door then opened and you saw panda with inumaki behind him coming inside. oh, i didn't know they joined the class here too. the both of them sat in their seats behind you (second row) with panda on the very right and inumaki on his left. panda sat down and looked at you.

"here too, l/n?"

"yeah, fushiguro invited me."

inumaki then leaned forward to join in the conversation.

"that's great, we'll meet more often then."

you slightly blushed at his comment and gave him a small smile. panda grinned and gave inumaki a side eye (BOMBASTIC SIDE EY-) while inumaki flinched and leaned back on his seat. a green haired woman with glasses then entered the room and introduced herself as maki, a 3rd year student who's going to teach the math class there as a part time job. you also learned that you would be learning math, physics, biology, and english, each once a week. after her explanation about the general info on the classes she sat down and opened her notebook which contained the materials for that day. you then began to listen to her attentively and did the exercises given while a certain someone had their eyes on you from behind...

a/n: idk if other countries have these kind of 'extra classes' but it's really common where i live and it's also very important cus (little spoiler!) it's where most of the memories are made~ also, sorry for the side eye thingy, i mean, i just had to- :D

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