✧ chapter 6 ✧

909 21 23

word count: 1346 words

ding dong, ding dong!

the school bell rang and all the students scrambled out of the class. 

"y/n! let's go already."

"wait, nobara."

you stuffed your biology book into your backpack and carried it over your right shoulder as you saw a white haired boy in front of you. 

"oh, inumaki-senpai! why are you here?"

"we were going to get ice cream, remember?"

you felt your heart beating. you thought it was just a joke.

"um, right."

you looked at nobara who gave a smirk.

"no problem, enjoy yourselves!"

she walked past the both of you and whispered to you.

"don't forget to tell me how it goes~"

you rolled your eyes at her but quickly turned and smiled at inumaki.

"let's head out then."

the both of you walked down the long stairs towards to school lobby and saw nobara excitedly chatting with panda-senpai.

ugh, i can guess what they're talking about.

panda saw the both of you and he swiftly turned back to nobara as if he didn't see you guys. inumaki raised his eyebrow.

"what's up with him?"

"i don't know."

"it doesn't matter, c'mon let's go! we have to hurry before it gets dark."

with those words he suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled it as he ran out the school's front door.

"uh, okay!"

was all you could get out of your mouth with the butterflies in your stomach. 

soon, the both of you were strolling down the street, inumaki was on your right and your hands still intertwined. inumaki soon realized this and let go.


you waved both of your hands in front of your face creating a x symbol and also using it to hide your red face.

"no, no, it's perfectly fine, inumaki-senpai!"

he gave you a soft smile which made your face even more red. 

gosh, why does he has to be this hot?

you looked away looking at the oh so beautiful sky, trying to make your heart beat slower. unknowingly, inumaki thought that you were ignoring him so he held your left shoulder and pulled you closer to him. you gasped at his sudden move. you were now several inches away from his chest. 

"is something wrong? just tell me. i'm all ears for you."

"n-no, it's fine."

"but you look a little... red."

of course, i am, dummy. it's all because of you.

"it's just, hot today."


he let go and the both of you continued walking. it was quiet for another few moments and you noticed he kept glancing at you. you unwittingly glanced back and your eyes locked for a while as the both of you kept silent. he smiled at you and you smiled back until he suddenly gasped in shock and pulled your hand back. 

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