✧ chapter 4 ✧

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word count: 1024 words

you sighed as you walked down the stairs from your classroom on the 4th floor. after a long, tiring day, you still had to attend those extra classes which was exhausting. but somehow, you started to get more excited for it when you remembered that he was also there. after all, you couldn't see him during classes, only during recess, so seeing him at the extra classes did lift your spirits. 

once you arrived to the small house, you took off your shoes and walked inside. surprisingly, there seemed to be more people inside but thankfully your usual spot on the front row was empty. you sat down with a sigh and started to scroll through (your favorite social media) while waiting for the class to start. 

"oh, is that (anime/tv show/kdrama name)?"

you turned your head to see inumaki sitting on the seat next to you and was leaning towards you with his finger pointing to your mobile phone's screen. you could hear your heart beating so you kept silent for a moment before answering him. 

"oh, uh, yeah."

"the next season is coming up next week, right?"

"yep. are you a fan too, inumaki-senpai?"

"uh-huh. it's really interesting."

you smiled and for the first time, somehow you felt comfortable talking with a friend.

"have you seen the last season?"

"of course. me and panda watched it together it was really fun. my favorite character is (male main character from your anime/tv show/kdrama of choice)."

"ah, he's cool, isn't he! my favorite is (your favorite character). i really like (him/her)! (she's/he's) so (cute/funny/another trait)!!"

"haha, i know right! i seriously can't wait for the next season! it's going to be super fun, for sure!"

"yep! i heard the trailer's dropping today at midnight!"

"really? better set my alarm then~"

you laughed as inumaki opened his phone and set an alarm for 12AM. when he opened his phone, you noticed his wallpaper which was a picture of a cute grey kitten.

"is that your cat, senpai?"

"yes, he's called haru since he was born in spring."

note: haru means spring in japanese

"how old is he? he seems like he's still a small kitten!"

"oh he's just 9 months old."

"wow! was he a stray?"

"not really. my mother's friend's cat was his mother and since it was hard to take care of all 5 kittens she gave my mother one. i decided to take care of it since then."

"aw, that's so sweet of you!"

he smiled and winked at you.


"you're sweet too, you know," he whispered loud enough for you to hear. 

you felt like your heart was going to EXPLODE at this moment. you didn't know what to say and your cheeks were definitely heating up. you tried to look away and heard his little giggle. you took a deep breathe and looked at your phone again when someone opened the door so loudly the entire class jumped.


"nobara? you're quite late. it's starting in 5 minutes, you know."

"so what? i was out trying out the new foods in the canteen~ the mochi is definitely recommended!"

"kugisaki, take a seat please."

nobara turned around to see maki waiting for her to step out from the doorway so she could enter.

"oh, sorry senpai!"

nobara was about to walk to her usual spot next to you when she realized inumaki was there. inumaki noticed it so he stood up.

"sorry, i forgot you usually sat here."

"no problem! i can just sit on y/n's left!"

itadori perked his head up.

"hey, i'm sitting here!"

"sorry, didn't see you, blehh!"

nobara dropped her bag and stuck her tongue out at itadori while putting her hands on her waist. you scrunched you forehead in confusion.

"woah, what's going on, guys?"

"he scribbled all over my drawing book, y/n!! and he acted like he didn't know anything!"

"i said sorry, okay! i didn't know it was yours!"

"oh come on, my name was CLEARLY written in the first page. are you blind or something?!"

"enough! kugisaki, sit down please. the class is about to start."

"c'mon, maki. calm down a bit."

"i'm sorry panda, but I'M the teacher here," maki said while fixing her glasses and giving him a stern look.

maki now had a creepy aura that made you tremble a little. you never saw her this mad even though it wasn't your fault but you still tried to look away from her. maybe your uneasy feeling was obvious to him so you could feel an arm softly gripping your elbow in which your hands were placed on top of your lap. you turned and saw inumaki giving you the what's wrong?  look. 

"i'm fine," you mumbled.

he nodded and released his hand from you. but he then shifted slightly closer to you that your shoulders were now touching. you took a deep breathe and crunched your shoulders a little. you looked away to nobara who stood up straight and bowed after maki gave her a death stare for continuing her argument with itadori. 

"sorry, senpai. i'll just... sit in the back then."

nobara took her bag from the floor and went to the second row seat which was in the middle of yours and itadori's seats. you could hear inumaki giving a small "sorry" to her as she passed by. you could also hear her whispering to you.

"enjoy this moment with him, y/n~"

you turned your head and gave her the shut up look. she giggled and you rolled your eyes as you turned your attention to the board in front. she wasn't entirely wrong, though. you did enjoy this very moment which the person that could make your heart flutter was sitting right next to you. unknowingly, you looked at him and saw that he was already looking at you first. you quickly looked away and tried to make sure you weren't blushing which was definitely inevitable by then. you then wondered, does he actually like me back? 

a/n: this will be continued guys, don't worry!! i'll try to write the part 2 ASAP and it's sure to contain some fluff~ anyway, i updated a few things in the first chapters but the major thing is that inumaki is wearing a jacket that is covering his face, not his school uniform. thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!! 

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