✧ chapter 14 ✧

681 12 8

word count: 1418 words

dialogue in italic means it was spoken through the phone

due to this the role of italic text (see author's note!) will be replaced with underline to avoid confusion

hope this isn't confusing, thank you!

after you saw inumaki with nishimiya you felt like your entire world was upside down.

why would i even think like this? we're just friends plus he doesn't even like me. i guess mom was right, i shouldn't have liked him in the first place.

it was now night time and you were now lying on your bed, tummy down while laying cozily on top of a pillow and scrolling through your instagram and saw a message from the one and only guy that you were thinking about now. 

[New message] inumaki
y/n, do you want to talk?

you weren't really in the mood to talk so you swiped the notification so it got cleared. you sighed as you put your phone down and stuffed your face in the pillow under you. 

so is this what he wanted to tell me? that his ex was coming back so i had to step aside?

you groaned and before you knew it your pillow became slightly wet. 

why... why am i crying? do i still like him after all this? why is it so hard to move on? why?

you decided that crying won't do anything so you opened your phone and called the one person you knew you could talk to. 

"hey, y/n? what's wrong? everything good?"

"....not quite."

nobara could hear your sniffled voice so she knew you were crying.

"why are you crying? is it... because of what happened today?"

you took a deep breath before answering her. 

"um, yeah. i mean, i just don't understand two things. what he did and how i'm feeling. i don't know why i'm feeling like this. i mean, we were simply friends."

"yeah, yeah, friends."

"nobara! this isn't the time for jokes!"

"sorry, sorry. so anyway, are you sure you saw things clearly? i mean, you may have seen things differently..."

"no absolutely way. i most definitely saw him with nishimiya and they had their hands locked."

"okay lemme get one thing straight. they were locking their hands, right? not holding hands?"

"what difference does it make?!"

"just tell me what you saw."

"well, uhm, i think nishimiya was the one who locked his hand to tog-, i mean, inumaki-senpai. you know, locking hands like when you're dancing in group? i'm not sure how to explain it over the phone..."

"nah, it's fine. i think i get it. by the way, are you calling inumaki-senpai by his last name? why?"

"why not? i don't want nishimiya-senpai to get the wrong idea anymore. i think she probably got jealous that he was close to another girl while they were separated."

"actually, i haven't gotten the full story yet. what happened exactly between the both of them?"

"basically they used to be in the same school and dated until inumaki-senpai moved to our school and they broke up. that's probably it."

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