✧ chapter 23 ✧

395 8 2

word count: 1277 words

"nobara, itadori, stop fighting! sleep now or i'll kick you out! i don't care if it's your house, itadori!"

nobara and itadori were fighting again, now over how much space they got to sleep in and they stopped once they heard maki's threatening voice. 

"y-yes, maki-senpai."

everyone was getting ready for bed and you just turned off your phone after seeing the time which showed 11:39 PM. you all decided to sleep on the sofa which was in the living room where you watched movies earlier. however, the sofa wouldn't fit if everyone slept there so panda volunteered to sleep on the floor to give extra space for the rest of you. it didn't really matter for him that the floor was hard since he was already as soft as a bed himself. so now everyone was sorting out their territories and you saw megumi putting a couple of books around him to make the boundaries of his area clear.

he really doesn't want to get bothered, huh?

you shook your head at his actions and positioned yourself to lie down. as you were about to lay down, you felt a hand hold your head gently and placed it on something soft. you looked up to see inumaki and realized you were laying on his lap. you blushed as he just smiled, admiring your beautiful look. 

"toge, please, it's time for bed."

"i know, y/n. go to sleep, then."

"no, i can't sleep comfortably like this while you're sitting."

"i can sleep while sitting. chill."

you sighed and turned over to your left so you were facing inumaki. you reached for your pillow which was next to your legs and hugged it. maki who finally finished scolding nobara and itadori went back to her space on the right end of the sofa.

"alright guys, be quiet and get some sleep. good night."

she turned off the lights and you heard some shuffling nearby which was most likely nobara and itadori still fighting over their space. 

i wonder how their sleeping position would be...

you snickered while imagining how they would probably be snuggled up when they wake up tomorrow. a hand then gently caressed your face and it slowly moved to brush a few strands of your face behind your ear. you closed your eyes as you imagined the look on inumaki's face. to your surprise, you felt his warm lips on your forehead which made you open your eyes once more. you tried to make out his features but it was hard to do with the darkness around you. he slowly moved upwards and his hand was still brushing your hair affectionately which made you feel butterflies. you felt him lean down once more and heard his whispering voice next to your ear making you feel the shivers. 

"i wish i could see your face now."

"i bet it's a blushing mess."

"frankly, that's what i love."

"toge, are you sure you can sleep like that?"

"it's alright, my love. i'd say i love it like this, don't you?"

"mhm. and now you're acting like a gentlemen and giving me pet names?"

"why not, dear?"

the both of you giggled quietly and you smiled even though you knew he couldn't see it.

"you know, i've been longing for you to call me something like that. thank you."

you heard inumaki laugh lightly while trying not to disturb the others. soon you felt his lips on your cheeks which probably made it bright red. then you heard the softest whisper next to your ear which made you feel comforted and warm inside.

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