✧ chapter 22 ✧

412 9 2

word count: 1962 words

"y/n!! i found some chocolate bars in itadori's refrigerator!"

"nobara? are you allowed to take those?"

nobara grinned.

"he said we could take whatever food we wanted, right?"

"well, yes..."

nobara was holding two bars of chocolate bars while rushing to you who was chilling in the living room with the others. you were sitting on the sofa with inumaki on your right, panda next to him, and megumi was sitting on the end of the sofa, giving some space between you and him. meanwhile, maki was exploring the kitchen with nobara earlier and she came back behind nobara while holding a stack of plastic cups and a bottle of soda on the other hand. 

"look guys, i got some drinks! here, take one cup each."

each of you got up and took a plastic cup from maki and she poured soda into each of your cups. you took a sip and went back to your seat. nobara then sat down on your left with the chocolate bars on her hands. she handed one of them to you.

"here, have one!"


you eagerly opened the wrapping paper and bit into it. it tasted delicious and you felt bits of almond inside it. 

"it's good, nobara!"

"hehe, i know a good food when i see it!"

just then, itadori came into the living room bringing some pillows and blankets. 

"here you go! i gathered all the stuff i could find."

you then grabbed a pillow from him. you didn't take a blanket as you felt the room temperature was quite warm.

"thanks, itadori!"

you leaned back onto the sofa and continued eating your chocolate bar. you then heard nobara and itadori bickering once more. nobara was holding an end of a yellow coloured blanket with red stripes on it and itadori held the other end.

"gimme that blanket, itadori! i want it!"

"but i want it too! it's mine!"

"haaahhh?? it's way too comfy to be used by you!"

"what's that supposed to mean?!"

you sighed and put your chocolate bar down next to you after wrapping it back. you then stood up and put your hands up to calm them down while looking at each of them.

"guys, chill. this is supposed to be a fun night, right?"

you looked at nobara who still seemed determined to get the blanket no matter what.

"nobara, we're at itadori's house. he deserves to choose what he wants."

"ugh, fine."

nobara then let go of the blanket and sat back with a thump. you sighed and shook your head thinking how childish she acted. you heard maki sigh as she sat down next to panda while still holding her cup of soda and the bottle of soda on the other. she then placed the bottle of soda down in front of her on the floor and pushed her glasses back on the bridge of her nose.

"my lovely kohai... please don't fight. now, have we decided on what movie we're going to watch?"

inumaki shook his head and everyone began thinking of what to watch. panda was the first to speak up.

"let's watch a movie about animals!"

the rest of you answered in unison.

"no way!"

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