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Hey sweetheart! Somethings come up and they're extending my stay, but don't worry, we're so close to a breakthrough! I love you; I'll be back in time for your birthday my love.


Though it's been so long, I remember this feeling. Returning to Alluredry Prep is nothing short of a hassle. No, the packing, drawn out 'goodbyes' and 'I'll miss you's' or even the trip itself are not the problem. In fact, all those things I find quite enjoyable. There's something in each of those that even I can find pleasure in. However, the feeling of returning, that empty void that begins to tear itself open the closer we get to the building every year, just as the wilting season begins is what torments me. By the time we've made it to the school, it's the size of a sinkhole. Or at least, that's how it feels.

I fidget with the tassel of my cloak as I gazed out the carriage, watching the trees pass. Though I found the road trip to be the best part of the return, I couldn't deny that the new budget cuts were... less than bearable as they brought me face to face with angelic Apollo James. The angel was loud and talkative, ever so annoying he could not resist the opportunity to lightly kick me in the shins every time the carriage bumped against the gravel. Previously, for every day of travel, we were permitted to leave the carriage and stretch, look around, shop, eat, and rest. Our last stop was Lauravelle's Peak, the capital of the Country and there would not be another rest stop until we made it to our destination. That left me with a little over an hour left of misery in the cabin. Besides Apollo, there were two other kids. One mage, and another Angel who were giddy, excited to return to the building. I listened to their conversations about it but could not bring myself to return the sentiment. There was much to love and even more to hate about Alluredry Prep.

A few soft taps against the roof of the cabin jolted me awake, all but Apollo had made their ways out the cabin and he stared over me, emotionless. I wiped at my eyes, opening the cabin door, I kicked my feet out and slid down the carriage. The door shut softly behind me as I made my way to Alluredry's large courtyard. It was decorated in wilted, orange leaves, the center fountain spouted no water, sat on a large circular courtyard. Three paths leading to three different doors of the large castle-like structure. Students stood in the courtyard, mingling about. Ours was the last carriage to arrive, and they'd been waiting all day for the doors to open. Only ten more minutes to go by now.

The courtyard was separated between angels and mages, the two groups always separated for major events, such as today's orientation. The mages stood along the path to the right, while the angels to the left, the crowds separated by the center path. I put my focus on the path to the right, the mages hopped on their broomsticks like cliche witches and flew around, the sky, possibly year sevens as only they would be this enthusiastic about a flying piece of wood. They practiced spells or spell creation, teased one another with the magic they had yet to abuse and excitedly chatted about the new year beginning.

I smiled, the mages were known for their creativity, but here, it was put under a spotlight when stood side by side to the angels. Beings of perfection, they prided themselves on being so... perfect. They stood perfectly still, engaging in minimal conversation as if the orientation had already started, lacking any emotion. Each of them stood in a perfect formation and looked towards the mages with disgust. They were prissy bitches who considered themselves higher than us because they were blessed by the gods. In comparison to the mages, they looked lame as hell. All they had going for them was that the sunlight beamed onto them a little bit harder than us, kissing each of their features so they looked elegant and honorable. It was easy to see why the teachers preferred to teach them, but mages knew how to have fun.

Besides posture, every one of us wore the standard black uniforms; a black dress with either long or short sleeves, stockings and school shoes, or a button-down shirt with a skirt, pants or shorts and school shoes, paired with a long coat or- the traditional Alluredry Prep cloak. Many of the students wore that cloak, its tassel was engraved with half the school cress. If you were an angel, yours had wings, if you were a mage, a tarot card, so for the few strays around the courtyard, mingling like normal, I could still tell where they belonged.

Turning my focus back to the mages, I searched the crowd for any familiar, likable, face. My eyes locked on a pack of faces, always gathered together, and I grinned, walking over to them. They notice me instantly, one of the twins in the group abandoned her sister, running over to me. The girl, Emerson, had long deep brown hair and tan skin, her eyes were a simple sage green but they glimmered like emeralds when they set upon me. She caught up to me, latching onto my arm she dragged me back to our group, giggling all the way there. I smiled, looking about her questioningly, "What's going on?" I asked.

Emerson started for an answer, but Mason, a tall pale boy with knack for interruptions, cut her off, "They're mixing us in with the angels this year!"

I cringed, "That's not exciting."

"She's right," Victoria, Emerson's sister and twin, replied. "Combat training is gonna be a pain in my ass this year."

"But not our dorms, right?" I asked. "Of course not, they'd never do that." Emerson snorted. I hummed in response. The dean called our attention to the center of the courtyard, she was a short woman who stood just beyond the waterless fountain. She clapped for our attention, looking over the angels with pride. The mages did not remove themselves from their brooms or stop their spells, they simply hushed their conversations so they could hear her. When she was sure that we were at least all listening, she spoke.

"Welcome students to Alluredry Prep! If this is your first year, we're honored to have you. If you're returning, congratulations." Snickers and giggles erupted through the crowd alongside groans of exhaustion at the remark. I continued fidgeting with my tassel as she droned on. She spoke about school policy, the student handbook of which we- the year twelves would have the opportunity to edit and revise this year, basic information such as where to find your dorms nurse, or where to get your class information. Hall monitor and student body applications, etc. for me, this was just review. When she was finished, she pointed us to tables set up on each side of the courtyard to get our dorm keys. Orientation week would begin today, next week the real work started.

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