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After dinner, I finally had a moment alone

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After dinner, I finally had a moment alone. I was able to sit down in my dorm and pull out the letters from Stella I had tucked away into my chest. Every artifact of hers is taken special care to conceal, so it took a few tries before I found what I was looking for. When I did, I cozied up on the floor and tore into Stella's letters. As I read through them, I quickly began to notice that some of these is read before, even responded to. The further down I read, the more familiar they became and then up to a point it was like a new experience. Those letters, the ones I'd never seen before, were the ones I choked up on. She still wrote me even when I couldn't write back, she still loved me, was still understanding. Then they stopped about a year ago.

Letter 1:
Dear Drey, it's me! Stella! Well, duh, who else would it be? You know how I hate writing but I had to get this to you! I needed you to know that I'm okay! Actually I've got so much to tell you that I wasn't able to before! Where to start, um, right! I'm an Angel! Well, half-angel. But this means I can go to Luna's realm and it's so pretty! I can't stay long though, I'm still a human. Stupid mage powers am I right? Anyways I wanted you to know not to worry! I'll write often, when I'm not with the Goddess I'll be at the castle! Someday you can visit me! I gotta go, Angel stuff you know? But write be back! - love you always, Stella

Letter 2:

Dear Drey, I'm so glad you're adapting well without me! Sorry about Bliss though, I knew she was a bitch I just didn't know she was that bad. I hope you get a new roommate soon! But don't forget me! I'm sending you a necklace with this letter, I hope you like it! I have to go again, I'm helping Lady Elizabeth at the altar! - love you always, Stella

Letter 3:

Dear Drey, I miss you so much! Is Mason still cute? I need to know these things! You gotta keep me in the loop so I'll know everything when I come back! The castle is nice but they don't really let me leave. I love the garden though! There's another girl here, Lila. We hide stuff around the garden and find it! It's super cool. I'll leave something for you to find when you get here! You'll love her, I'm sure! Write back soon! - Love you always, Stella

Letter 4:

Dear Drey, I knew he was! Faces like those don't get ugly that fast. Also happy birthday! By the time this reaches you it will be your birthday, almost your birthday, or just past your birthday. I know it's been a few years, I'm sure you've aged wonderfully. I'm worried I'll forget your face. Send me a picture with your next letter? There's one of mine in here. Luna says I can come home soon! I miss you so much! I can't wait to see you again. - Love you always, Stella

Letter 5:

Dear Drey, thanks for the photo! I'll cherish it always. Sorry that Apollo kid is still bothering you. I see him around sometimes, I'll tell him off for you the next time I see him! You continue being the bright, amazing, smart ass you are! Write back soon, these letters are the highlight of my day! - love you always, Stella.

Letter 6:

I'm going back to Hæsevüvinün today. I don't like it there, it's scary. The other angels are more powerful than me. Something about being there is a lot more heavier than before. I wish you were here! You always knew how to calm me down. Unfortunately this letter won't find you until I'm already scared half to death. Sorry, this letter is a bit of a downer. Well, I'm sure there'll be more to tell when I get there heh? - Love you always, Stella

Letter 7:

Dear Drey, you know that kid Apollo has siblings? Two of them! One of them goes to our school, some girl named Nia. And another one, a brother but I can't remember his name. Anyways that Nia girl is really weird. Heard she was conspiring or something? Anyways they both lost their halos. Angel drama is way interesting. I was assigned to look into them, I'll get you more details as soon as I can! Love you always Drey!

I started to open the eighth letter, it was stamped with black wax and I felt the twinge of excitement I felt when I was 14 opening her letters, whenever she used different stamps or colors it was because she was in a rush to tell me something. I adored it, because I'd always be in a rush to read it. I removed the wax seal with my thumb nail and pulled open the letter. My door flew open and I scrambled to hide the rest of the letters. A draft blew into the room and I noticed a small black notecard beneath the pile of torn and read letters.

You're time is up dear. Someone should've told you not to go looking for trouble.

I crumbled up the note card, shoving the letters in my chest quickly, along with the jewelry box. I concealed them again and shut it, locking it, then went for her garnet pendant, but it clattered to the floor as the faint figure of a man rushed into my room, shutting the door behind it. I noticed then that it's eyes were red, and it was a milky white, it's face was twisted out of shape and it's jaw hung low, too low. Into its mouth was a black void boarded by sharp teeth and it screeched, leaving a ringing in my ears. I backed away from it as it swatted at me with its inhumanly long arms. I tried to move around it but the lights started to flicker and I could only see it's eyes. I stopped breathing, watching it. It moved closer to me, and I learned further back as it screeched at me again. It's full body lit up when it screamed, it swatted at me, leaving a gash in my arm, I yelped, kicking it backwards. It stumbled into my vanity, the sapphire necklace slid across the room. I leapt for it, wrapping it around my neck with my other pendant and conjured up a sword. The lights started to flicker, it was on my ceiling now. I pulled my arm back, and threw the blade straight for his head. It hit, and he dropped to the floor with a scream, the blade sinking further into its head on impact. Whatthehell. I cursed, running a hand through my hair. I tried to catch my breath, my heart pounding. It laid their unmoving a few moments more before morphing into the body of a young boy. I cursed again, rushing over to the child. A knock pounded on my door, followed by Victoria storming into the room. She looked at the body and locked the door behind her before whispering angrily, "Audrey please tell me you did not kill a child."

"I-" I stammered, "I don't know what just happened." She frowned looking from me to the child, "I heard some commotion coming from here. Audrey, what's going on?"

"There was, he- I swear he-" she walked over to him and put a gentle hand on his head. "I see." She said. I noticed how his arms were still top lanky for his body, his jaw dislocated, he was himself but he hadn't healed. "Audrey, who is sending you demons?"

 "Audrey, who is sending you demons?"

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