Little incident Part 1

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You were at the hospital because you had gotten into a little accident, one that made you hit your head pretty hard

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You were at the hospital because you had gotten into a little accident, one that made you hit your head pretty hard. When the paramedics came they took you to the hospital and a doctor paged neuro to check on you.

They did some test along with a CT and then took you to a room, and minutes later a beautiful doctor entered the room with a tablet which you assumed it had the results of the scans. "Dr Amelia Sheperd, nice to meet you" "Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N, the pleasure is mine" you said smiling. "So the results seem to be negative, so you don't have any concussions, however, you need stitches and  rest for a few days, headaches are common but if you have them repeatedly I would like you to come here to check again okay? the nurse outside will give you the receipt for the pills along with a paper with the instructions that you need to follow". While she was talking she went to the table in the room at took the necessary things for the stitches. You couldn't help but admire her and her mersmerising face, you definetly needed to talk to her. Aparently you have drifted out during the whole procces because you heard her calling your name asking you if everithing was okay "Uh? Oh yeah yeah sorry" a blush appeard in your face while she turned around to take one more thing.Then she started to put the stictches. When she finished she went to take her tablet and looked back at you with a smile. 

"Okay so everything is done. You need to come back in four days so we can take out the stitches". "Thank you Dr Shepherd" you said with a smile "You can call me Amelia" she answered you before going to the nurses station and telling the nurse what you needed. Then she came back to you and said "Have a good day Y/n/n". A little after you left and couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach after that encounter with her, it definetly was going to be a good day

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