Love Across the Rain Part 2

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Y/N finds themselves at a crossroads, torn between their career aspirations and their deep longing to be with Addison. After weeks of soul-searching and contemplation, they make a life-altering decision. They choose to leave their job, believing that being with Addison is worth more than any professional achievement.

With their heart set on surprising Addison, Y/N books a red-eye flight to the city where Addison resides. The anticipation builds as they board the plane, their mind racing with thoughts of their reunion. The hours pass by in a blur, fueled by excitement and nervous energy.

As the plane touches down and the rain-soaked city greets Y/N, they can hardly contain their eagerness. They hail a cab and give the address of Addison's house, their heart pounding with anticipation. The journey feels endless, but every passing moment brings them closer to their ultimate destination.

Finally, the cab pulls up in front of Addison's house. Y/N pays the fare, steps out into the pouring rain, and makes their way to the porch. They settle onto the wooden steps, their heart racing with a mix of nervousness and hope. Raindrops cascade around them, creating a soothing symphony.

Time seems to stretch as Y/N waits, the sound of rain drumming against the roof echoing in their ears. Every passing second feels like an eternity, but they hold onto the belief that this surprise will be worth it. They clutch a small bouquet of Addison's favorite flowers, a token of their love and commitment.

And then, through the misty rain, they see her. Addison's silhouette appears in the distance, her figure illuminated by a small porch light. Y/N's heart skips a beat, their breath hitching in anticipation.

Addison, exhausted from her long shift at the hospital, fumbles with her keys at the front door. But then, she glances up and her eyes lock onto the figure sitting on the porch. Time freezes for a moment as recognition dawns on her. Without a second thought, she drops her bag and runs towards Y/N.

In that instant, the world narrows down to the two of them. The rain becomes a blur, and everything else fades into the background. Y/N's heart swells as Addison approaches, her face lit up with a mix of surprise and pure joy.

Addison reaches the porch and throws her arms around Y/N, pulling them into a tight embrace. Their bodies meld together, the warmth of their love overshadowing the rain-soaked surroundings. Tears mix with raindrops as they hold each other, the intensity of their emotions palpable.

"I can't believe you're here," Addison whispers, her voice filled with awe and gratitude.

"I couldn't bear being apart from you," Y/N replies, their voice trembling with emotion. "I had to be here, Addison."

They sit on the porch, their embrace never breaking, as the rain continues to fall around them. The world seems to have faded away, leaving only their love and the promise of a future together.

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