''So, what's for dinner?''

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Y/N stepped through the front door, exhausted after a long day at work. They kicked off their shoes and made their way into the cozy kitchen where the delicious aroma of a home-cooked meal usually greeted them. With a smile on their face, Y/N approached Meredith, their girlfriend, who was standing near the stove.

Leaning in close, Y/N placed a gentle kiss on Meredith's neck, wrapping their arms around her waist. "So, what's for dinner?" they asked playfully, expecting to hear about the delightful dish Meredith had prepared.

Meredith turned to face Y/N, her eyes widening slightly in panic. She glanced nervously at the charred remains of what was once intended to be a scrumptious meal. "Regret," she replied sheepishly, gesturing towards the burnt offering on the stove.

Y/N burst into laughter, unable to contain their amusement. The unexpected response caught them off guard, but they found the situation hilarious. "Regret?" they chuckled, shaking their head. "Well, I think we can do better than that. Let's try again, shall we?"

As they prepared to salvage the dinner, Meredith moved closer to Y/N, wrapping her arms around their waist from behind. She rested her head on Y/N's shoulder, enjoying the warmth and comfort they provided. "You're going to make fun of me, aren't you?" she teased, nuzzling her nose against Y/N's cheek.

Y/N's laughter continued to bubble up, causing Meredith to playfully swat them on the arm. "Maybe just a little," Y/N teased, turning their head to place a quick peck on Meredith's lips. "But I love you anyway, even if you burn dinner."

Meredith grinned, feeling the love and laughter fill the kitchen. Together, they set about creating a new meal, with Y/N occasionally breaking into laughter at the memory of the burnt food. Each time Y/N chuckled, Meredith would playfully tap them on the shoulder or give them a gentle nudge, adding to the lighthearted atmosphere.

Throughout their culinary adventures, Y/N couldn't resist teasing Meredith about her cooking skills, joking about her newfound talent for turning meals into charcoal. But it was all in good fun, and the laughter they shared made the kitchen feel warm and cozy, despite any mishaps.

Eventually, as they sat down to enjoy their second attempt at dinner, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on how fortunate they were to have Meredith in their life. She may not be a master chef, but her presence and love filled their home with happiness and laughter. And in that moment, as they shared a meal together, Y/N realized that no matter what they ate, as long as they were with Meredith, they had everything they needed.

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