''Patience won't get you through this.''

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The group sat together at a large table in the bustling hospital cafeteria. Y/N couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Addison, her girlfriend, especially when they were surrounded by their friends. With a mischievous smile, Y/N leaned closer to Addison and whispered something in her ear, causing her to blush.

Mer, Amelia, Mark, Callie, and April chuckled as they watched the exchange. They knew Y/N had a knack for playfully tormenting Addison, and they found it highly entertaining.

Addison turned to Y/N, her face flushing slightly. "You're going to pay for that later," she muttered, trying to sound stern but failing to hide the hint of amusement in her voice.

Y/N grinned and leaned back, pretending to be innocent. "Oh, come on, Addie. Where's your sense of humor?" she teased, using her nickname for Addison. "We're just having some fun."

Addison sighed and rolled her eyes playfully. "God, give me patience," she muttered under her breath, hoping her words would go unnoticed.

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, feigning confusion. "I think you mean 'give me strength,' Addie," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Patience won't get you through this."

Addison turned to Y/N, her glare intensifying. "Well, if God gave me strength, you'd be dead," she replied, her voice laced with mock seriousness.

Y/N pretended to be shocked, putting a hand to her chest. "Oh no, my heart," she said dramatically. "I think I felt it skip a beat. I might just have to make a swift exit."

She quickly stood up, pretending her pager was going off, and started to rush away from the table. But just as she reached the edge, she turned around and gave Addison a quick, playful kiss on the cheek before dashing off.

The group burst into laughter, teasing Addison about her fiery response. Mark shook his head and chuckled. "You've really met your match, Addison," he remarked.

Amelia raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You two are perfect for each other," she commented, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's like watching a romantic comedy play out in real life."

Meanwhile, as Y/N returned to the table to give Addison a quick kiss, Addison couldn't help but crack a smile. She watched Y/N run off, a mixture of love and exasperation in her eyes.

"Damn it, Y/N," she muttered, her voice soft but filled with affection. "You always know how to make my heart race."

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