''I'm scared,''

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The team had just wrapped up a dangerous case, leaving Y/N and Jennifer Jareau battered and hurting. As they returned to the hotel room, a heavy silence settled between them. Y/N's mind was clouded with guilt and worry, convinced that JJ would be furious at them for their perceived failure during the confrontation with the unsub.

Without uttering a word, Y/N walked past JJ and headed straight for the bathroom, their heart pounding with anxiety. They felt a mix of shame and fear, expecting JJ to explode with anger at any moment. The sound of the running water in the shower was a deafening reminder of their own trepidation.

Meanwhile, JJ stood in the center of the room, watching Y/N's retreating figure with a mixture of concern and hurt. She knew that Y/N's tendency to withdraw when overwhelmed was their way of self-preservation, but it didn't make it any easier to bear. Still, she couldn't stand idly by while Y/N shut her out.

With a deep breath, JJ followed Y/N into the bathroom. She found them standing under the shower, their back turned, seemingly lost in their own thoughts. JJ stepped closer, her voice gentle yet firm.

"Y/N," she began, her voice quivering slightly. "Please, let me help you. You don't have to face this alone."

Y/N flinched at the sound of JJ's voice, surprised by her presence. They turned to face her, their eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and uncertainty. Y/N wanted to speak, to apologize, but the words caught in their throat.

Without another word, JJ reached for a towel and began drying off Y/N's soaked form. Her touch was tender, her hands moving with practiced ease. Y/N watched her, a lump forming in their throat. The silence felt heavy, suffocating.

Once they were dry, JJ guided Y/N back to the bedroom. She sat them down on the edge of the bed, her eyes scanning their injuries. Silently, she retrieved the first aid kit and began tending to Y/N's wounds, her touch gentle and caring.

As she worked, JJ couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, searching for any sign of emotional response. She longed for them to break the silence, to speak their fears and doubts. But Y/N remained silent, their gaze fixed on their own hands.

Minutes passed, the only sound in the room the soft rustle of bandages and the faint hum of their breathing. Finally, as JJ finished bandaging the last wound, she met Y/N's eyes, her own filled with a mix of concern and love.

"I know you're hurting," JJ whispered, her voice barely audible. "But shutting me out won't make it any easier. We're in this together, always."

Y/N's throat tightened, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to spill over. They reached out, their hand trembling as it touched JJ's cheek. "I... I'm sorry," they choked out, their voice filled with remorse. "I thought you'd be angry."

JJ's eyes softened, her hand covering Y/N's on her cheek. "I could never be angry with you," she reassured them, her voice steady. "I worry because I care. I just need you to let me in."

A tear escaped Y/N's eye, rolling down their cheek. "I'm scared," they admitted, their voice barely a whisper. "Scared of disappointing you, of letting you down."

JJ's arms enveloped Y/N, pulling them into a tight embrace. "You could never disappoint me," she whispered, her words a balm to Y/N's wounded soul. "We face these dangers together, and no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side."

Y/N clung to JJ, their grip desperate and filled with gratitude. The weight of silence lifted, replaced by a newfound understanding and connection. In that moment, they knew that their love would help them heal and overcome any obstacle, together.

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