''I didn't mean for that to happen. Are you hurt?''

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Lexie and Y/N were peacefully asleep, snuggled up in their cozy bed during a winter night. The room was filled with the gentle sound of their breathing, accompanied by the occasional crackling of the fireplace. However, their tranquil slumber was abruptly interrupted when Y/N, in a sudden movement, rolled too close to the edge and tumbled out of bed.

With a startled yelp, Y/N hit the floor with a thud, causing Lexie to jolt awake. Lexie's eyes widened in alarm as she saw Y/N sprawled on the ground. "Oh no! Y/N, are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

Y/N groaned, rubbing their sore side. "Ouch... I think my pride is more bruised than anything else."

Lexie quickly jumped out of bed and rushed to Y/N's side, concern etched on her face. "I didn't mean for that to happen. Are you hurt?"

Y/N grinned, trying to brush off the mishap. "Nah, just my ego. Don't worry, Lexie, it was an accident."

Lexie knelt down, helping Y/N up and back onto the bed. "I should have been more careful. Let me make it up to you."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "And how do you plan on doing that, Lexie?"

Lexie flashed a playful smile and, with a theatrical gesture, covered Y/N with the blankets, tucking them in snugly. "There, the royal treatment. You shall be pampered like a fallen hero."

Y/N chuckled, playing along. "Ah, so now I'm the hero in need of rescue, am I?"

Lexie nodded with mock seriousness. "Absolutely. And I shall be your valiant knight, ready to ensure your comfort and safety."

Y/N laughed, feeling the warmth of Lexie's affection wash over them. "Well, in that case, I am in capable hands."

They settled back into bed, snuggled up close, with Lexie draping an arm protectively around Y/N. The room filled with their shared laughter and the soothing crackling of the fire, creating a comforting ambiance.

Y/N leaned their head on Lexie's shoulder, a playful glimmer in their eyes. "You know, this is what happens when you're lucky enough to be loved by someone as clumsy as me."

Lexie smiled tenderly, brushing a gentle kiss on Y/N's forehead. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Clumsiness and all, you're perfect to me."

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