"I've been holding back for so long"

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As the moon cast a soft glow over the city, Y/N stood silently on the balcony of their hotel room, their mind still reeling from the close call earlier in the day. They couldn't help but replay the events in their head, grateful that they had managed to escape unharmed. But as relief washed over them, they couldn't ignore the fear that still lingered within.

Inside the room, Jennifer Jareau watched Y/N from a distance, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions. She had known for a while now that her feelings for Y/N ran deeper than friendship, but the dangerous nature of their work had always held her back from expressing them. However, the thought of losing Y/N had shaken Jennifer to her core, making her realize that life was too unpredictable to hold back any longer.Taking a deep breath, Jennifer gathered her courage and approached Y/N on the balcony.

The cool night air brushed against their skin as Jennifer spoke softly, her voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "Y/N," she began, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and affection. "Today... today made me realize how much you mean to me. I almost lost you, and it scared me more than anything."

Y/N turned to face Jennifer, their eyes meeting Jennifer's gaze with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. They could sense the weight behind Jennifer's words, and their heart began to race in anticipation of what was to come."I've been holding back for so long," Jennifer continued, her voice trembling slightly. "But I can't deny it any longer. Y/N, I'm in love with you."A soft gasp escaped Y/N's lips as their eyes widened in disbelief.

They had never expected Jennifer to confess her feelings, and yet, deep down, a part of them had hoped for this moment. The love they had shared as partners had always been strong, but now, in the face of danger and the possibility of losing one another, the depth of their connection had become undeniable.

Without a word, Y/N reached out and took Jennifer's hand in theirs, their fingers intertwining as if to anchor each other in the midst of their emotions. A gentle smile graced Y/N's lips, their eyes shimmering with unspoken affection. Jennifer felt a warmth spreading through her heart as their hands held onto one another, silently conveying a newfound sense of unity. The blanket Jennifer had brought moments ago suddenly felt insignificant compared to the warmth they shared in that moment.

They stood there together, on the balcony overlooking the city, embracing the truth that had been unveiled between them. In the silence of the night, their connection grew stronger, fortified by the knowledge that they were not alone.

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