''See! Just say that!''

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In the on-call room of the hospital, Y/n sat next to Lexie, her heart pounding with nervousness. She couldn't hold it in any longer and decided to open up about her feelings.

"I've been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response," Y/n confessed, frustration evident in her voice.

Lexie glanced at Y/n, trying to hide her own feelings of jealousy. "Wow. They sound stupid," she said, attempting to brush off the situation casually.

"But they're not. They're really smart actually. Just dense," Y/n responded, hoping that Lexie would catch on to the truth.

"Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know... 'Hey! I love you!'" Lexie suggested, unaware of the underlying hints Y/n had been dropping.

"I guess you're right. Hey Lexie, I love you," Y/n mustered up the courage and finally said the words, hoping Lexie would finally understand.

"See! Just say that!" Lexie exclaimed, still unaware that Y/n's words were meant for her.

Y/n's frustration reached its peak. "Holy fucking shit!!!" she screamed into a pillow, the weight of her unrequited feelings becoming too much.

"If that flies over their head, then sorry, Y/n, but they're too dumb for you," Lexie said, not realizing the truth behind Y/n's outburst.

Y/n glared at Lexie, feeling fed up and defeated. She turned around and lay on the bed, ready to take a nap, needing some distance from the situation.

Meanwhile, their friends Meredith, Amelia, and Addison had been present in the room, relaxing and witnessing the entire exchange. They couldn't help but burst into laughter at the turn of events.

After Y/n had turned around, they gathered around Lexie, whispering in her ear, trying to make her realize what had just happened. With mischievous smiles on their faces, they quietly encouraged Lexie to react and left the room, giving Y/n and Lexie some much-needed privacy.

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