''Somebody needs to stop talking''

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One particularly stressful day, Y/N and Addison found themselves in a supply room, seeking a momentary escape from the flurry of patients and paperwork. Y/N noticed the tension in Addison's expression, her brows furrowed and her shoulders slumped. Sensing her girlfriend's stress, Y/N took Addison's hands gently, their eyes meeting.

"Somebody needs a kiss," Y/N teased playfully, a mischievous glint in their eyes.

Addison, caught off guard and still lost in her thoughts, snapped back, "Somebody needs to stop talking."

Y/N's initial surprise quickly faded as they understood the underlying stress that had prompted Addison's response. They wrapped their arms around her in a comforting hug, pressing a gentle kiss to Addison's temple. "I'll be in surgery soon, but we can talk later if you want," Y/N whispered, their voice filled with understanding and love.

Addison, momentarily relieved by the warmth of Y/N's embrace, realized the weight of her own reaction. As Y/N went into surgery, she found herself waiting anxiously, replaying the moment in the supply room over and over again in her mind.

"I can't believe I snapped at them like that," Addison murmured to herself. "They were just trying to help me, and I pushed them away." She paced the hallway outside the operating room, her mind consumed by self-doubt and worry.

Hours later, Y/N emerged from surgery, tired but relieved. Addison's eyes met theirs, filled with a mixture of anticipation and remorse. She approached Y/N, taking their hands gently, and searched their face for any signs of resentment.

"I'm sorry," Addison began, her voice laced with sincerity. "I didn't mean to snap at you earlier. It's just been an overwhelming day, and I let my stress get the best of me."

Y/N offered her a soft smile, their eyes brimming with understanding. "Addie, it's okay," they reassured her. "We all have our moments of stress and frustration. I know it wasn't directed at me personally."

Addison's shoulders slumped with relief, tears welling up in her eyes. She pulled Y/N into a tight embrace, holding them close. "Thank you for being so understanding," she whispered. "I love you, and I never want to take you for granted."

Y/N hugged her back, a gentle squeeze conveying their affection. "I love you too, Addie," they replied, their voice filled with warmth. "We're in this together, and we'll always support each other, even during the toughest moments."

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