''I wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked'' (Pt.2)

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The morning sun began to filter through the curtains, gradually rousing Y/N and JJ from their slumber. Just as she was about to wake fully, the sound of a ringing phone shattered the tranquility of the room. Y/N glanced at the phone, momentarily forgetting the caller as she realized the intimate proximity between them and JJ.

JJ, now fully awake, looked into Y/N's eyes and greeted them with a soft "Good morning." Before Y/N could respond, the realization of their tangled legs washed over them, and JJ mumbled an apologetic "Sorry" as she swiftly untangled herself, creating a slight distance between them.

"I wanted to talk about yes—" JJ began, but her sentence was cut short by the shrill sound of the phone call. Y/N, seizing the opportunity for temporary respite, picked up the phone and excused themselves to the bathroom, where she engaged in a conversation with Penelope.

In the bathroom, Y/N listened as Penelope excitedly shared some plans she had concocted for JJ and Y/N. She encouraged Y/N to find the right moment to address the situation and suggested a variety of approaches to mend the rift between them. Y/N felt a renewed sense of hope and determination, grateful for Penelope's unwavering support and guidance.

Meanwhile, JJ got dressed, her mind swirling with thoughts of how to make things right. Determined to bridge the gap, she decided to take the initiative and went to grab breakfast with Emily, hoping to bring a peace offering for Y/N.

Upon returning to the room with breakfast in hand, JJ approached Y/N tentatively. "Here, I brought breakfast for you," she offered, her voice tinged with a mixture of nervousness and sincerity.

Y/N accepted the gesture with a simple "Thank you," but then something shifted within them. She realized the opportunity to extend an olive branch and make amends. "Hey, JJ, why don't you have breakfast with me?" Y/N suggested, surprising both JJ and Emily, who had been observing from the doorway.

JJ's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and excitement crossing her face. "Yes, of course," she responded, her voice filled with eagerness. Emily couldn't help but smirk, knowing that this was the moment JJ had been waiting for.

As the day unfolded, moments of opportunity for JJ to speak with Y/N presented themselves, but nerves always seemed to get the better of her. Emily playfully nudged her throughout the day, silently encouraging her to seize the chance. Yet, despite her best intentions, JJ found herself unable to find the right words amidst the tension that lingered between them.


As the case unfolded, the team found themselves in a perilous situation. Y/N and JJ had been together initially, but due to a split-second decision, they had taken different paths, unknowingly leading the unsub straight to Y/N.

In the chaotic pursuit, JJ realized that Y/N was missing. Panic surged through her veins as she sprinted towards the sound of commotion, the rest of the team close behind. With each passing second, fear gripped JJ's heart, fueling her determination to find Y/N unharmed.

As JJ turned a corner, her worst fears materialized before her eyes. The unsub had cornered Y/N, a malevolent glint in their eyes. Without hesitation, JJ charged forward, shouting for backup. The team descended upon the scene, overpowering the unsub and rescuing Y/N just in time.

The atmosphere was heavy with tension as the team regrouped. Y/N bore a few visible bruises from the altercation, her expression solemn yet stoic. JJ's relief turned into a mix of anger and worry as she chastised Y/N for being reckless, scolding them for not waiting for backup or considering her safety.

Silence hung in the air as Y/N absorbed JJ's words, her gaze downcast. Despite the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, she recognized the truth in JJ's scolding. She has made a split-second decision in an attempt to catch the unsub off-guard, unaware of the dire consequences that awaited them.

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