''You're not gonna say anything?''

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Y/N, a confident and outgoing surgical intern at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, found herself mindlessly flirting with her coworker, Amelia Shepherd. The two had developed a close bond while working together, and their playful banter often veered into flirtatious territory.

On this particular day, Y/N was feeling more daring than usual and decided to push the boundaries a bit. To her surprise, Amelia flirted right back, catching Y/N off guard. The sudden reciprocation sent a jolt of excitement through Y/N, but it also left her slightly flustered.

As Y/N and Amelia continued their work, the air between them felt charged with unspoken tension. Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Amelia, her heart racing with uncertainty. Sensing her coworker's confusion, Amelia decided to address the situation.

"You're not gonna say anything?" Amelia asked, raising an eyebrow, her lips curved into a mischievous smile.

Y/N, caught off guard, stammered, "I don't know. I didn't think I'd get this far."

Amelia chuckled softly, enjoying Y/N's flustered state. "Well, you did get this far," she teased, her tone playful.

Blushing, Y/N excused herself, claiming she had a surgery to attend to. As she hurried down the hallway, her mind still buzzing with their flirtatious encounter, she almost tripped over someone who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Regaining her balance at the last moment, Y/N looked up and locked eyes with Arizona Robbins, another esteemed surgeon at the hospital. Arizona, known for her cheerful and friendly demeanor, flashed Y/N a warm smile.

"Careful there," Arizona said, her voice filled with amusement. "Don't want to stumble your way into an actual patient's room."

Y/N blushed even deeper, feeling a mix of embarrassment and attraction. She mumbled a quick apology, her mind still scattered from the encounter with Amelia.

Arizona's eyes twinkled with curiosity as she noticed Y/N's flustered state. Sensing an opportunity for some friendly meddling, she decided to strike up a conversation with Amelia later that day.

Amelia, sitting in the breakroom, was engrossed in a medical journal when Arizona walked in. She couldn't resist the urge to tease her friend about the encounter.

"So, I bumped into Y/N earlier," Arizona began, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Amelia looked up from her journal, her interest piqued. "Oh, really? And what did our favorite intern do this time?"

Arizona leaned against the counter, relishing in Amelia's reaction. "Well, let's just say she nearly tripped over her own feet after your little flirtation session."

Amelia's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "I didn't expect her to react like that. I mean, I was just joking around."

Arizona chuckled knowingly. "Sometimes, jokes have a way of becoming more than just jokes, Amelia. Maybe it's time you have a real conversation with Y/N."

Amelia sighed, realizing the truth in Arizona's words. She had enjoyed flirting with Y/N, but perhaps it was time to explore their connection on a deeper level. With newfound determination, she made a mental note to find a moment alone with Y/N to have that conversation.

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