Dallon, Dallon, Dallon

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Brendon's Point of View ;

"Do you hear yourself right now?" Ryan was being a complete ass. Accusing me of hanging out with Dallon behind his back. "Seriously, how fucking stupid are you?"

"I'm stupid because you lie to me?" Ryan asked angrily. "You've been hiding things from me and staying gone all night."

"Because I'm working, Ryan. That's why I'm gone all night." I stormed past him and grabbed my car keys from the counter. "And since you think I'm hiding things from you, maybe I should. Give a real fucking reason to accuse of shit." Ryan stared at me, eyes wide and mouth open as if he were going to say something.

"You're an asshole." He said quietly. I shrugged and walked out the front door. I don't have to deal with his bullshit and I won't.

I got in my car and drove to a bar that was twenty minutes away from home so Ryan can't find me. Not that he can drive anyway, with a cast on his leg.

I ordered shot after shot and someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around to see who was bothering me, only to find Dallon standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey." he said quietly.

"Hi." I turned back to my shots, and downed two more.

"Sorry about everyth-"

"Don't wanna talk about," I interrupted. "I hear enough from Ryan."

"Sorry." Dallon said. He took the seat next to me at the bar and ordered himself a round of shots. "How've you been?"

"Could be better, I guess. What about you" Dallon shrugged.

"Things with Breezy are kind of getting out of control. She doesn't trust me."

"I know the feeling." I sighed.

Dallon and I talked and got drunk and after a while we were in a taxi on our way to a motel room.

I paid the driver an extra fifty dollars not to mention he saw me tonight, and hopefully he keeps his word.

Dallon had me pinned against the wall the second we got into the motel room and my shirt was being pulled over my head.

"You are so fucking hot." Dallon breathed against my neck. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, letting him press his lips all over me.

"Yeah." I said in a breathy moan. Dallon pulled back from kissing my neck to pull his shirt off and then he started working on my jeans. My belt came off, my zipper was unzipped and the button was undone. My jeans ended up coming off and my boxers were pulled down to my knees.

I could feel Dallon's long fingers wrap around my length and I bucked my hips into him.

His lips were on mine, tongue in my mouth and I wrapped my arms around his neck, putting a hand on the back of his head and deepening the kiss.

We made it to the bed, Dallon naked and on top of me, my boxers on the floor and my legs wrapped around his waist.

Dallon kissed his way down my body, taking me into his mouth, bobbing his head like there's no tomorrow. I couldn't think straight, my mind is cloudy and my words are definitely going to be slurred if I try to talk.

"Fuck." I moaned. Dallon's fingers pressed against my hole. They felt wet and I wanted more. "More." I choked out.

Dallon pushed his fingers in, stretching me while he continued to suck me.

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