Happy Ending

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Just want to say thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments. It means a lot and makes me feel like my stories don't suck completely. This will be the last chapter for this story. Sorry to end it so soon, but it's really not going anywhere anymore. I'll be planning a sequel sometime in the future, no time soon though. I need to work on my other stories before starting a new one again, which I seem to do anyway. So who knows, maybe a sequel will be out sooner than we think. I'll definitely plan it out a lot better and give it more of a story line. I know this one wasn't all that great, but I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks.


Brendon's Point of View*

Teagan's doing so good with trying to hold her head up on her own! I'm so proud of her!

I bought a new camera so I could take a million pictures of her a day and let me tell you, she loves the camera. Her eyes light up and she tries to smile and laugh and it's just so cute. This was the best thing I could have done. Become a father.

And Ryan is just so in love with her. I love watching him hold her and sing to her and the way he looks at her melts my heart. He loves that little girl more than anything and it makes me love him more than I thought I could. He's an amazing father.

"Babe, watch!" I looked at Ryan and smiled. He's sitting on the floor with Teagan trying to do tummy time, but she keeps bobbing her head. It's so cute. She lifted her head and looked around the best she could before letting it fall again. Ryan was quick to put a hand there so she wouldn't smash her face in the floor. I smiled to myself.

For only being two months old, he's learning pretty fast.

"She'll be walking before we know it." I told Ryan. He looked at me with what looked like fear in his eyes.

"I am not ready for her to walk yet," he said. I laughed and joined them on the floor. "let her be little for now. Don't talk about walking. I already feel like an old man."

"You're not old, babe." I leaned over to catch his lips with mine and I smiled against them.

Teagan starting whining so I picked her up and cradled her. She definitely had Ryan's eyes. They were beautiful. She looked up at me, eyes wide and mouth slightly open with a little drool on her chin.

"I think she's hungry." Ryan said, standing up.

"Could you get a bottle ready?" Ryan hummed in response and headed to the kitchen. I could hear cabinets opening and closing, water running and something falling. "You okay in there?" I called out.

"Yeah, just dropping things like always." He said back.

"Daddy's clumsy," I told Teagan. She just looked at me like she had no idea what I was talking about. Which she doesn't. "let's hope you don't get those traits."

She cooed and smiled big, making me smile even bigger.

When Ryan came back with her bottle, she started doing grabby hands for it. Ryan gave it to me and I began to feed her.

"I'm ready for bed." Ryan groaned.

"You and me both," I said with a small nod. "maybe she'll be out after this bottle." 

And I was right. She left a little over an ounce and passed out in my arms. I carried her to our room and put her in her bassinet, then stripped my clothes and got in bed. Ryan joined me a few minutes later, wrapped his arm around me from behind and placing soft kisses on the back of my shoulder. 

We haven't really had sex since Teagan's been born. Maybe four times when she was napping in her swing. We made it quick of course. I just think it's weird to have sex with our daughter right next to us, even if we're quiet and she has no idea what we're doing. And she's sleeping. It's driving me crazy, though. I miss the days when Ryan and I would have sex every day, every night, in the shower, you name it. But we're parents now and our baby's needs come before our own. Maybe when she's a little older I'll feel more comfortable with leaving her in her crib in her own room and Ryan and I can go at it like we used to. I just have a fear of something happening to her. Like that SIDS crap.

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