The Christmas Invasion Aftermath

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Jack moved back to the Doctor and Annika, "Rose needs to rest," he said quietly, "I still need to rest and I know Annie's got a fever, but Rose needs to rest," he added. The other two agreed and the three called out, "Rose?"

The blonde paused and turned back, Annika had wiped off her sweat and Jack stood up straighter, Sleipnir had put a glamor over his eyes to take the bloodshot look away. "We're safe," they said. Almost immediately, Rose's eyes rolled back and she slumped over into Fenrir's arms and he carried her away. Jackie was startled at first, but remembered her daughter had been keeping herself awake until the other three were okay, but then she also noticed the other three were not as okay as they seem. Jack's eyes went back to bloodshot, Annika was an unhealthy pale again, and the Doctor's happy expression went away.

"You three should get more sleep, the TARDIS is still redecorating. She couldn't do anything while I was in there," Loki advised.

The three agreed, and Sleipnir took Jack to a spare bedroom the Brocks had while the Doctor was taken back to Annika's room. The two didn't speak, but immediately fell back asleep, this time with Annika snuggled into the Doctor's side, her head resting on his chest so she could listen closely to his two hearts, as they both settled into a sleep.

Later, the Doctor's eyes snapped open as he saw him again. He didn't know if that man would ever exist. Would he still exist if he didn't have Annika? Would he not exist by the time he reached his last regeneration? Would he have more regenerations since beign with Annika? He looked back down at a sleeping Annika, she had a frown on her face. What was she dreaming about?

He slowly moved Annika away and made his way down to the TARDIS. He just stood out there looking at the ship. Should he go in?

"Am I a good man?" he asked himself.

"Yes," Annika's voice had startled him as his head snapped around.

"You are a good man. You might not think you are, but you are. You've saved many people—,"

"Also killed," the Doctor interrupted.

"My sister had this same thought. She's the Goddess of Death, she always thought she was killing people, but Mama always told her she's also taking pain away. Her weapons are more deadly, but she doesn't go on killing sprees. She's killed with it, but they were the enemy. Is she a bad person?" Annika asked. She knew Hela was more misunderstood so she pointed out her good and bad sides.


"Fenrir turns into a wolf and rips people apart," Annika said, "Is he a bad person?"

"He protects his family and people," the Doctor argued.

"But he also kills many people. Is he bad?"


"Jormungandr turns into a snake and it makes him a bit more sly and sneaky. He's also killed and he's tricked people," Annika said, moving in to her next brother.

"It's in his nature and he has his own intentions to help other people," the Doctor countered.

"Is he a bad person?" Annika asked.


"Sleipnir has a lot of strength that he's used against enemies. He's killed. Is he bad?"

"He doesn't like killing unless he has too," the Doctor said.

"Is he bad?" Annika repeated.


"My Mama has tricked many people, either for their own gain and for others. They've killed. They've had to do things they didn't want to. Are they a bad person?"

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