The Idiot's Lantern

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The Doctor, finally having been sent to bed by Annika knowing it had likely been past five days for him, woke up to nobody under the blanket next to him. However, Annika was on top of the blankets staring at him. The Doctor jumped making her snicker. "Come on and get ready, I'm getting antsy and they're clearing you, Jack, and Rose as rested and we can go," she said.

The Doctor simply rolled over and jumped up because his booty became Annika's bongos, "Let's go," Annika bounced. "If we get going and go find trouble that we are likely to find, we can do whatever you want in the bed later whether it be on Asgard or in the TARDIS and with me as Annika, Nik, or both or even Mayhem. Let's. Go."

Apparently it was a good enough argument as the Doctor was suddenly up.

"Let's go, Rose!" the Doctor called as they walked down to where the TARDIS was from Annika's room.

They heard a groan from in the room, "I've already been threatened by Annie, now get up!" the Doctor called.

"Just because you want to fuck my sister, doesn't mean my flower needs to get up," Fenrir called. The Doctor used his sonic on the door and slammed it open, "Up!" he called to the startled couple as Annika cackled behind them.

"Where?" Rose asked.

"Vegas," the Doctor said with a shrug, "Just have to see if it ends up being Vegas."

"Okay," Rose said. "Could you close the door? I'm not exactly clothed."

"Well, lucky you," the Doctor sassed and shut the door. Annika kissed him immediately, "That's what you get for now."


Rose walked out into the console room in pink heels and a poofy skirt in white and balck while Annika followed after picking out her outfit. She had a green and black version of Rose's outfit. Is her color choice a surprise? No.

"We're gonna go see Elvis!" the Doctor announced.

"Really?" Rose asked, looking between the Doctor and Annika.

"Yep, Annie hasn't seen him so we're going," the Doctor said.

"You've never seen Elvis?" Rose asked Annika.

"Nope, seen him on the tv, but not in person," Annika answered.

"We go to the late fifties, best time for Elvis," the Doctor said setting the time. Annika and Rose eventually step out only for the Doctor to ride out on a scooter.

"Going my way?" he called handing out two helmets. Annika grabbed one and sat very very close behind the Doctor. Rose snickered when she saw the blushing on the Time Lord's face and got into theadd on of the scooter.

"Where we off to?" Rose asked.

"Ed Sullivan TV Studios. Elvis did Hound Dog on one of the shows," the Doctor started.

'This doesn't smell like America,' Mayhem spoke in Annika's head.

"There were loads of complaints," the Doctor continued.

'I hear a big bus,' Mayhem interrupted and Annika hummed in agreement but the other two ignored it either thinking she was agreeing with the Doctor or just talking to Mayhem—which she was.

"Bit of luck, we'll just catch it."

"And that'll be the TV studios in, what, New York?" Rose asked looking up. Annika also looked up and saw the decorations amongst the streets that were definitely not for America.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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