Chapter1:Summer at warped tour 07

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Hayley's POV

9:30 A.M. I sat up in my bunk and looked out the window. I squinted my eyes, protecting them from the blinding sun. I got out of my bunk and slowly made my way into the kitchen. I walked in to find Taylor and Zac in hysterics over something "what's so funny?" I asked, confused as to why they were laughing so hard. "Just a funny video we stumbled upon" Taylor said inbetween laughs. I shook my head and pourd myself some cereal "oh Hayles did you hear?" Zac asked "hear about what?" I asked looking confused. "Well this band called New Found Glory want us to go on tour with them in September" he said. "We can't we're going on tour with Yellowcard in September. You didn't forget did you?" I asked looking at them curiously "uh..what no we didn't forget" Taylor said trying to cover up the fact that they did. "Well anyways would you mind telling one of the NFG guys that we can't accept their tour offer?" Zac asked "why do I have to do it. I don't even know who any of these guys are" I said. "We do" Taylor said sniggering "well then if you know them why the hell can't you do it" I snapped. I paused for a second "Fine I'll do it" I said giving in. "I don't see why I have to do everything all the time" I mumbled as I started eating my captin crunch. "Awww did we upset ikle Haywee" Taylor said as he scooted next to me and pinched my cheek. I smirked at him and carried on eating my breakfast. "We have to be at our merch tent by 2:00 P.M." I said with my mouth full. "Okay" Zac said as he scrolled through his phone.

2:00 P.M. I stood at our merch tent, greeting fans and posing for pictures with them. The guys were late for some unknown reason which is weird because I'm usually the one who ends up being late. "Sup kid" Jeremy yelled causing me to jump 1 million metres into the air. "Dude don't sneak up on me like that" I said slapping his arm. "Sorry" he chuckled "do you know where the rest of the guys are?" I asked "oh yeah they went to get food" he said. I looked over at the merch tent opposite ours and saw a tall guy with brown scruffy hair, he looked as if he was in his early twenties. He was actually quite attractive. The sign above the merch tent he was at read "New Found Glory". I nudged Jeremy "hey is that one of the guys from New Found Glory or is it their merch guy?" I asked curiously. "Oh yeah that's Chad their guitar player. Why?" he asked "I need to go tell him we can't accept their tour offer" I said. I made my way over to their merch table and stood there for a while until he turned around and noticed me. "Oh sorry to keep you waiting" he said warmly, his voice made him even more attractive. "Hi I'm Hayley from Paramore" I said as I held my hand out to him "oh yeah! I'm chad, I hear you might be coming on tour with us" he said as he took my hand and shook it. "That's actually the reason I came over here in the first place. Look I'm really sorry but we're going on tour with another band around that time. But it'd be great if we could go on tour with you some when else" I said. "Oh I completely understand. You guys are quite a popular band and not everyone can have a piece of you" he said smiling. Okay forget attractive, this guy was gorgeous. "Um I hope you don't mind me asking you this hayley, but how old are you?" "I'm 18 but I'll be 19 in December" I said nervously. "H-how old are you?" I stuttered "19 but I'll be 20 in March" he said looking me up and down. I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling, he was perfect.

Chad's POV

Hayley and I talked and got to know each other for about 20 minutes. She was so beautiful, I kept getting lost in her emerald green eyes and losing track of what I was saying. "Hayles, quit flirting and get over here!" We heard someone yell, we turned around and saw Jeremy looking at us. I saw Hayley's face turn bright red "we're not flirting!" She yelled "I better go. It was nice meeting you" she said "yeah see ya around" I said as she left. How could one girl be so darn beautiful?

6:50 P.M. "C'mon we're gonna be late" I yelled. Jeremy and Taylor had invited us to hang out at their bus tonight. I would say I have cleaned up rather nicely, you could probably guess why. By 7:00 P.M. we were standing by their bus where we were greeted by Josh and Jeremy. "Sup y'all, come on in" Jeremy said holding the door open for us. I stepped inside the bus and saw Hayley sitting on the couch. I started getting butterflies so I went over to say hi to Zac and Taylor. 10 minutes had passed and I was still too nervous to go and say hi to Hayley. I carried on talking to the guys when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and the first thing I saw was a head of bright orange hair "what am I, invisible?" she chuckled. "Oh sorry, hey" I said hugging her. "So how have you been?" she asked "well in the four hours we've been apart I got mugged, broke my leg and was raped by a dinosaur" I joked. Thankfully she laughed "so how have you been?" I asked her "I've been good" she said still chuckling. We sat on the couch and started talking. "So who's your favourite band?" I asked "Me without you" she said confidently. "I mean I've heard of those guys but I've never actually listened to them before" I confessed "what? No way! We can't be friends" she chuckled. "What songs of theirs do you recommend? " "um...son of a widow a sweater poorly knit" she said. We were getting along so well and she's so easy to talk too. "What about you, who's your favourite band?" She asked "They might be giants" I said with a cocky smile on my face. "Oh I've heard of those guys. Whats your favourite song?" "Little birdhouse in your soul" I said. She yawned "are you tired or am I boring you?" I asked "don't be stupid you're not boring me, I'm tired" she said with a laugh. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 11:00 P.M. "well it is pretty late I guess" I said, showing her the time on my phone. How did it get that late so quick? I may have only met her today, but I feel like I've known her years. I have a feeling about her. A really good feeling.

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