Chapter10: Bite the curb

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Chad's POV

3 weeks later

12:00 P.M. It's Hayley's 19th birthday tomorrow and we've just come back from my moms house because we spent Christmas with her.

"Are you ready for your party tonight?" I asked as wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Yeah," she said with the cheesiest smile.

"What have you got me for my birthday?" She asked.

"Who said I got you anything," I teased.

She pouted playfully.

"Is it better than the Christmas gift you got me?" She asked.

"I'm not saying."





"Please, please, please, please."

"No, no, no, no," I said as I walked away from her.

She tackled me to the couch and straddled my waist so I couldn't move.

"Tell me," she whined.

"Nope. Not until midnight tonight," I said smirking.

"I hate you," she chuckled.

"I hate you too," I chuckled back.

7:00 P.M

We had just finished setting everything up and Hayley and I stood in her kitchen while we waited for the guests to arrive.

Soon we heard a knock at the door and she went to get it.

She invited in a group of girls who I am taking it were some of her friends who I hadn't met before.

"Hayley is this that guy you always talk about. What's his name charlie?"

"-Chad," I interrupted.

"Oh sorry Chad," the girl said, going quite red.

"Yeah he's my man," Hayley said as she came up to me wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my chest.

"Awww," they all said.

"Take care of her mister. If you hurt her then I'll hurt you," one of the girls joked.

"I could never hurt such a beautiful girl," I said.

"Awww he is a keeper Hayles," another one of her friends said.

"Isn't he amazing?" Hayley playfully bragged.

I kissed her head and went to get the door which had been knocked at again.

Soon all of the guests had arrived. All of us were partying in the kitchen. I picked Hayley up and sat her on the counter and kissed her neck all over.

"Get a room you guys," Taylor said pushing me into Hayley some more. We giggled and stopped for a while.

We heard what sounded like rocks, hitting the kitchen window.

"What the fuck," I said looking out to see who it was.

"Babe, it's probably just kids," Hayley said, touching my arm softly.

"Yeah you're right. Now lets dance," I said, taking her hand.

We danced for about twenty minutes when we were interrupted by another knock at the door.

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