Chapter3: Kiss me

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Hayley's POV

1 month later

Tonight's the night. The night I get to meet Chad's mom. I don't know weather I'm excited or nervous. This is such a big step in our relationship.

I looked at myself in the mirror and played with my hair. I heard a knock at the door. I froze and took a deep breath in. I answered the door to a smiling Chad

"Are you ready to Hayley you look beautiful" he said looking amazed.

"Thank you" I said as I stepped out of my house. I turned around to lock the door then we walked over to his car. I got in and put on my seat belt as did he.

He smiled and held my hand "don't be nervous" he said warmly.

"I'm not" I denied

"Yeah you are" he said as he started the car. The 2 hour drive consisted of talking, laughing and singing along to H20.

"Oooh" Chad said as he saw a McDonald's drive thru. I shook my head as he pulled into the queue.

"Hello can I take your order please?" The pearson on the speaker box said.

"Yeah could I get 20 chicken mcnuggets and a large coke please" he said leaning his head out of the window.

"Okay any thing else?"

"Do you want anything" he asked me

"No thanks" I said.

"Okay make that 2 boxes of 20 chicken mcnuggets and 2 large cokes" he said.

"Okay if you would like to drive on to the paying window" the pearson at the speaker box said. He started to drive and I looked at him

"I said I didn't want anything, and by the way Chad I'm not gonna eat 20 chicken mcnuggets" I chuckled.

"First of all I knew you were lying when you said you didn't want anything bacause I mean c'mon it's McDonald's. And second of all you will eat 20 chicken mcnuggets and if you can't I'll finnish 'em for ya" he said smiling at me.

We pulled up at the paying window and Chad payed for our food and we left. I started eating my chicken mcnugget's and looking out the window, imagining what Chad's mom would be like.

"So when am I gonna meet your parents?" He asked

"well I've spoke my mom about it and you can meet her some when next week but I still need to talk to my dad" I said. "

Is your dad scary" he asked.

"No" I chuckled.

"Does your dad know about me?"
"Yes my dad knows about you. He even said you sound nice by what I've told him" "why what did you tell him?" He asked looking worried

"Good things" I said as I drank some of my coke. 20 minutes later we were parked out side a medium sized house.

We both got out of the car and I grabbed Chad's hand. "She has a cute garden" I said as we walked to the front door "yeah she loves gardening" he said as he knocked on the door.

The door was opened by a lady with short, brown, curley hair "hello you must be Hayley" she said inviting us in.

"Yeah I'm Hayley. Does he talk of me much?" I asked smirking at Chad

"Oh all the time" she said. "Mom!" Chad said looking rather embarrassed.

"I'm Jackie" she said with a smile "make yourselves comfortable" she said as she walked in the kitchen. We both sat down on the couch. Chad put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Your mom is so sweet" I mumbled "she's been really excited to meet you" he said stroking my hair.

I looked at a picture of a little boy and a man on the shelf "is that you and your dad?" I asked "yeah" he said smiling "you were cute" I said. "Were! I still am!" he said.

"Yeah you are" I chuckled. "Do you miss your dad?" I asked "yeah I miss him" he said.

His dad passed away a few years ago and I feel really bad for him. No father on fathers day, no father on his birthday or at Christmas, it's really upsetting. I saw his face drop "hey don't be sad" I said rubbing his leg.

"He would have loved to meet you" he said smiling "and I would have loved to meet him" I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

Soon Jackie came back in the living room

"would you two like any thing to eat or drink?" She asked.

"No thanks. SOMEONE thought it would be a good idea to get McDonald's on the way here" I said giving Chad the look.

"Chad Everret Gilbert honestly you are impossible" she mumbled as she went back into the kitchen "yeah Chad" I said with a cocky smile. "Snitch" he said as he tickled my rib slightly.

The rest of the evening was great. Mainly the part when Jackie was showing me Chad's baby pictures, I've never seen anyone turn so red in my life. It was getting late so Chad and I decided to go back to my house.

"It was lovely meeting you my dear" Jackie said as she pulled me into a hug.

"It was nice meeting you too" I said smiling.

"Bye mom" Chad said as he kissed her on the cheek

"bye hunni" she said before shutting the door behind us. We walked back to the car hand in hand and got in. "So what do you think?" Chad asked whilst eating some of his left over chicken nuggets.

"I think she is really sweet. I don't see why I was so nervous. Here you can have mine too" I said handing him my box of cold chicken mcnuggets.

"Thanks babe" he said as he took the box. He placed the box under his seat and started to drive. Would this be the right time? I mean we've been together for a month and I've just met his mom, should I tell him? I took a deep breath in

"Chad I-I just urg I can't get my words out" I said in frustration

"take your time babe, what's wrong"

"nothings wrong it's just-... I love you" I said quickly. I looked down at the floor and there was silence.

"I love you too" I heard him say. I sighed with relief and looked at him longingly. I checked the time on my phone. 9:00 P.M.

When we arrived back at my place it was 11:00 P.M. I unlocked the door and we went inside. We sat on the couch and started watching some TV. I leaned in and kissed him passionately. He pulled me closer and kissed me back. As our make out session got more heated I straddled his lap and licked his bottom lip asking for entrance, which he allowed. We kissed some more then I finally got off him.

"We should go to bed- not in thay way! I mean as in... beddie bies" I chuckled "okay beddie bies it is" he said as he picked me up and carried me upstairs. He laid me down on my bed.

"Um..where am I sleeping?" He asked. "In my bed with me is that okay?" I asked "yeah thats fine" he said as he started taking his clothes off. I took my shirt and trousers off when I paused.

"Uh Chad...I sleep without a bra on is that okay?" "That's fine" he said as he came over to me. He wrapped his arms aournd my back and unclipped my bra. It fell to the floor and we were silent. I knew he was starring at me but I didn't care.

"You like?" I chuckled

"I do" he said as he pulled me close to him. "You're so beautiful" he whispered.

I leaned up and kissed him softly, we both got into bed and cuddled for a while.

"I love you so much" he said "I love you more" I said. I turned off my lamp and rolled over. I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. This was how it was meant to be.

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